Home Consciousness 7 Signs You Have A Spiritual Connection With Someone

7 Signs You Have A Spiritual Connection With Someone

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

We meet a lot of people in our lives, each one unique in their own way, but only with a few do we feel a special spiritual connection, as if we’ve known them forever.

And, based on my previous life experience, this is frequently the case. In fact, we’ve all lived many lives, in various places and under various guises. One of the strongest bonds we can have with someone is a spiritual connection. But how can we tell if we have a spiritual connection and if we have twin souls?

We’ve listed seven signs for you below.

:: Your instincts reveal it to you.

You just know there’s a spiritual connection. And there is no room for uncertainty. When you are spiritually connected to someone, your instincts are heightened, and there is no logical explanation for this sensation.

:: You feel extremely confident and strong both emotionally and physically.

When you sense a spiritual connection with someone, your presence soothes them.

In his presence, all of your anxiety, nervousness, and fears vanish. All of this also applies to the opposite.

:: You are free to be who you are.

When you can’t be yourself around other people, you can be yourself with them. You are free to express yourself, there is no restlessness in you, and nothing restricts you. There is a tremendous sense of liberation both within and without you.

:: It is as if You had known them for centuries.

As stated at the outset of this article, when you feel spiritually connected to someone, you have a sense that you have always known them. I’m sure it’s happened to you numerous times… It is even possible, at least in the most sensitive people, to have spontaneous regressions and vivid memories of these people in other places and lives. They have a certain familiarity about them that draws you in and that you feel deep inside.

:: You have complete faith in them.

You can’t trust anyone else if you can’t trust them. Even if you are a person who rarely lets go, your trust in them is unconditional.

:: Communicate with them in silence.

When you are spiritually connected to someone, one of the ways you communicate is through silence. You are not required to express your happiness, anxiety, or fear. It’s just you, and they already know. They recognize and respond to your moods.

:: You have deep conversations with them.

Conversations with these people are never superficial because they allow you to explore your inner self (and theirs). The conversations are profound, and each one ends with you learning more about yourself and your surroundings.

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