Home Consciousness Sturgeon Full Supermoon Rising in Aquarius August 1st: A Beautiful Melody of Energy

Sturgeon Full Supermoon Rising in Aquarius August 1st: A Beautiful Melody of Energy

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

Two full moons will rise this month, marking two of the four supermoons in 2023.

The month of August begins and ends with a full moon.

This month’s full moon, dubbed the Sturgeon Moon, rises on August 1 and reaches maximum illumination at 2:32 p.m. ET or 8:32 p.m. CET — and, fortunately for lunar enthusiasts, it will also be a supermoon.

In fact, there will be four supermoons in 2023, including three back-to-back this summer: the Buck Moon in July, the Sturgeon Moon in August, and the Blue Moon on August 31! The power of this lunation will be felt two days before and four days after its peak for the Sturgeon Moon in particular.

Many of the names we use to describe full moons have historically come from Native American, Colonial American, or other traditional North American sources that have been passed down through generations.

The August 1 full moon is named after a fish called a sturgeon, which was easily caught during this time of year in the Great Lakes and Lake Champlain, just as July’s Buck Moon was named after male deer (a.k.a. bucks) because it rises around the time their antlers are fully grown.

While the full moon in August — also a full moon in Aquarius — symbolically represents the time when the mighty fish are ready to be caught and reeled in, the lunar display energetically indicates that the energy of this Air sign will be infused into our lives.

Both [Aquarius and Leo] have ties to our passions, sense of expression, aspirations, and how we connect with others, as they represent the eleventh zodiac on the wheel and the polarity of Leo.

Continue reading to find out what the Sturgeon moon in August could mean for you based on your zodiac sign!

Aries (March 21-April 19)

Aries, the first full moon of August is likely to bring you happiness.  This lunation will energize your social sector, attracting a large number of new friends. The future appears to be nothing but exciting!

This is an excellent time to throw a party, attend a mixer, or experiment with expanding your social media network online. If you’re single, try meeting someone new through your acquaintances or updating your dating profile.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Taurus, prepare to soar through the sky. Your brilliance, success and glory could literally light up the night! Major professional accomplishments or victories, whether in the form of a promotion, favorable publicity, an award, or a new job offer, could be just around the corner.

As a result, take advantage of this time to highlight your goals and work toward them. Taurus, you’re on a roll!

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Gemini, it’s time to seek adventure. The full moon will push you to explore horizons beyond your wildest dreams, activating your deeply curious nature.

Use your enthusiasm to pursue long-distance travel or to plan trips to places you’d like to visit in the coming year. If you work in the media, publishing, law, or academia, you are at a crossroads.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Cancer, your intimacy and trust will be tested. Serious discussions between you and someone you’re attached to may be required. If you are unhappy, you may be separating or negotiating the final details of a settlement.

If you are aligned with that person, you may feel ready to merge closer in body, mind, and spirit. Assets and investments are also important around this time, so buy, sell, or prepare for a significant shift.

Leo (July 23-August 22)

Partnerships are a major focus right now, Leo. Happy relationships will result in union, commitment, an engagement, or even marriage. Unhappy relationships may experience a sudden realization that it is time to divorce or break up.

If you’re single, channel this energy into setting up dates with people who have the potential for a long-term relationship. Leo, you’ve got this!

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

Do you have a lot on your plate, Virgo? This full moon, will add even more to your plate.

You could be finishing up a major career or job-related project, or you could be leaving one employer to start with another. As a result, if you’re looking for a better work-life balance, evaluate it this week.

Improve your diet or fitness routine to take advantage of this cosmic flow. If you want a pet, the Sturgeon moon may offer you one at random.

Libra (September 23-October 22)

Single Libras should get ready to mingle! This is the most crucial month for singles to put themselves out there.

If you meet someone who speaks to your soul, couples can use that energy to spice up their relationship. At this time, creativity and fertility are also highlighted.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

Scorpios will be preoccupied with home and family as a result of August’s first full moon.

You could be relocating, investing in real estate, or deciding to renovate or redecorate your home. Another way this could affect you is if you need to assist a family member, possibly even a parent.

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

Sagittarius, get ready to share! The Sturgeon moon will have you bursting at the seams, whether you’re distributing your ideas and thoughts to the world or launching a major communications project.

If you have time in your schedule, consider going on a road trip or taking a flight. In that case, best wishes!

Capricorn (December 22-January 19)

Capricorn, you’re in for a financial future. In general, money is coming and going from your accounts right now. As a result, he reveals that now is an excellent time to invest or consider increasing your wealth.

The possibility that a new raise or job opportunity will present itself. If not, and you want to monetize more, look for a new employer or side hustle.

Aquarius (January 20-February 18)

Aquarius, it’s time to take center stage! You will now witness the realization of a vital personal project, hope, or dream. You must assert yourself and command your authority as if you were royalty.

A significant shift or revelation may also occur in a personal relationship. Get pumped!

Pisces (February 19-March 20)

Pisces, it’s time to rest and recharge. This lunation may leave you feeling overworked and exhausted, but it is also providing you with an opportunity to recharge your batteries. Pay attention to your dreams and any hunches you have.

There might be another way this lunation may have an impact on you. A secret you’ve been keeping could come to light now — or, if not you, a secret someone else has could come to light.

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