Home Consciousness Same Sex Twin Flames Are More Common Than You Think

Same Sex Twin Flames Are More Common Than You Think

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

According to a spirit, the belief that the twin flames have to be a male and a female in a sexual and romantic pairing can be a misinterpretation, or also a misunderstanding of terms of energy.

Misunderstandings are usually based on the fact that female and male energies were automatically equated in order to mean female and male biology, or also woman and man.

Attempting to classify the unfathomable

Every person in the world is an energetic being beneath his or her body, name and family, and all of his or her experiences and earthly information, and their eternal soul selves are those that live on regardless of the circumstances.

People’s souls cannot be defined easily or limited easily. When we want to talk about spirituality through categories and perspectives from the real world, things usually get skewed, or sometimes misunderstood and mistranslated.

It will be almost the same as when we try to catch water in our palms – regardless of how close our hands are, the water will always slip through. So, energy isn’t something which can be consisted of categories, but it is something that flows and ever-changes.

What do the female and male mean?

When describing twin flames as females or males, it is not about spiritual terms or biological woman and man. It indicates the nature that these energies have, and also the archetypal female and male energies are just terms utilized to portray two different types of energies, embodying different traits.

However, this doesn’t mean that the energies express themselves or belong in female or male bodies. In fact, human culture was the one that equated them with each other.

Every one of us has combined energies, at different degrees. For example, a male person may possess predominately feminine energies, while a female person may possess predominately masculine energies – even without having an impact on their sexuality.

Every one of us has female friends and members of our family that appear to be more or also less ‘feminine,’ and male friends and members of our family that appear to be more or even less masculine.

Regularly than most people can realize

Those people that believe in the rebirth of one soul in another body, or better known as reincarnation, know that they have been both men and women and also different ethnicities through existence.

However, who they are on a spiritual level goes far beyond their physical body and gender. So does their connection with their twin flame.

From personal, overwhelming experiences and communications established with spirits, people claim that the Same-Sex Twin Flames are definitely more frequent than we can realize. Usually, they can be homosexual, and sometimes heterosexual.

All of them are on the planet in order to open some old paradigms when it comes to love and teaching the real value of unconditional love, for example.

We all live in this society which has set ideas when it comes to the meaning of love and how it should look like, or where individuals are usually loved as a result of something…

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