Home Consciousness Twin Flame Attraction & Magnetism: The Essentials

Twin Flame Attraction & Magnetism: The Essentials

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

Magnetism and attraction between twin flames: what you need to know about them

What is the attraction and magnetism of twin flames? Mirror souls are possessed by twin flames since they were split from the same soul at birth, resulting in them being perfect complements to each other.

The twin flame connection is the most powerful spiritual connection that any of us will ever have the opportunity to experience through our lifetime.

The silver cord, which is an endlessly elastic and completely unbreakable bond between the heart chakras of the twin flames, is the manifestation of this connection on the spiritual plane which is the spiritual plane.

The magnetism and attraction that exists between twin flames can be traced back to this silver cord, which, in addition to being attuned to specific vibrational frequencies, is the source of attraction.

However, how does the magnetism and attraction between twin flames work, and what information is necessary for us to become aware of regarding the silver cord that exists between the twin flames?

Shared Connection

The soul from which they parted ways is the owner of the silver cord, which does not belong to either of the twin flames.

Therefore, we are unable to exert any influence over it. Without the permission of the other twin flame, either twin flame is able to use the silver cord. Either one of them is able to read the energies and vibrations of the silver cord by tapping into it.

It is through this method that we have the potential to communicate telepathically with our twin flame. However, it is also through this method that our private feelings have the potential to reach our twin flame.

Although we have very little control over the connection itself, it operates in a fair manner toward both of the twins.

Twin Flame Magnetism: It Pulls

This is significant for the magnetism that exists across the connection because it indicates that both of the twins are moving in the same direction toward one another at the same time.

Because the runner always has to exert more effort than the chaser in order to keep the distance between them, this becomes an extremely important factor in the process of reuniting twin flames after the runner and chaser phase.

As a result, the magnetism that exists between twin flames will always eventually bring about a closing of the gap.

It Represents Attunement

The silver cord is a phenomenon that emerged as a result of the twin flames’ shared soul and their unity with one another.

It is able to exist as a result of the distinct vibrational frequencies of the shared soul, which are in constant harmony with and amplifying themselves.

Consequently, this energy is the cause of the attraction that exists between twin flames.

This is a fundamental attraction, a deep soul level yearning to be unified, a yearning to be one in order to accomplish the ultimate goal of consciousness.

This urge to be with our twin flame originates from the depths of our soul, from the fundamental properties of energy that govern the spiritual plane. When we feel the urge to be with our twin flame, we are experiencing this urge.

In the event that we experience a surge of excitement in the vicinity of our twin flame, this is the result of the body’s perfect complementary energies harmonizing with one another.

And The Occasional Push

There is a consequence that comes along with all of this attraction and magnetism.

Due to the intense energies that are involved in the twin flame relationship, it is possible for one of the twin flames to be pushed away if the energy is released in an ineffective manner.

This is an extremely common characteristic of the twin flame relationship; it is completely natural and a part of the process that we do not have any choice but to participate in.

However, as we have come to understand, there is no need for us to be concerned about being apart for an extended period of time. Twin flames are unable to resist the magnetism or attraction that is embodied by their shared connection.

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