Home Consciousness How to Survive Saturn Return: The Essentials

How to Survive Saturn Return: The Essentials

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

For everyone whose Saturn sign is Pisces, the return of Saturn is in full swing as of March 7, 2023.

This bodes well for the next several years, as life is sure to be filled with more surprises. Although Saturn can be a confusing and difficult planet, it is also the planet of maturity, so enduring these aspects will help you mature, prosper, and develop into a stronger individual.

Get over it if you’re scared. All the information you require regarding Saturn’s return is provided here.

What Is a Saturn Return?

Having Saturn return to your life is like having your life undergo a cosmic reset and reorganization. To complete one orbit around the sun, Saturn takes approximately 29.5 years to complete. This indicates that the first Saturn return occurs between the ages of 27 and 29 for every single person around the world.

Saturn Return in Your Birth Chart

Are you curious about your Saturn return and would like to know more, ideally before it occurs? Find out where your sign is located first. The transit of Saturn through Pisces will last until May 24, 2025. After a short Saturn retrograde, the planet will return to Aquarius for a few months before returning to Pisces from August 31, 2025, to February 13, 2026.

In addition, you can find out how Saturn’s return will influence certain areas of your life. Find out which house your Saturn is in to accomplish this. Saturn in the VII House of Committed Partnerships, for instance, can indicate a change in attitude toward relationships and commitment, or it can indicate the end of a committed partnership. Changing careers, relocating, or taking better care of one’s finances are just a few more examples; the list is really endless.

Things to Keep in Mind When Saturn Returns

As one of the “teacher planets in the sky,” Saturn’s return to its original placement in a person’s birth chart signifies a cosmic cue that wisdom is being bestowed. Saturn is associated with karma, so we gain wisdom from adversity, responsibility, and difficulty.

Breakups, job losses, and other life-altering events may be scary, but they’re all for a good cause. You are entering a new phase of adulthood, and with it, whatever difficulties may come your way. Additionally, your Saturn return may be less taxing if you’ve already had a fairly difficult time in your twenties, such as when you battled social anxiety in college. Depending on the amount of “Saturn action” in your chart, you may have already acquired the knowledge necessary to face the monumental challenges that Saturn invariably brings. (Anyway, here’s hoping.)

A Guide to Making the Most of Your Saturn Return

1. Self-care is essential. Whenever something negative occurs in your life, it is essential that you give yourself time to recover. Ignoring Saturn’s impositions or making an immediate attempt to overcome them will only result in further distress and distressing consequences.

2. Patience is required. It is inevitable that both wonderful and less than wonderful things will take place. To ride the wave is the key to success.

3. Establish a reliable network of support. You need people you can lean on whenever you are going through emotional ups and downs when you are going through them.

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