Home Consciousness Saturn Retrograde 2024: Karma Is Coming & It’s Time for Paying Debts

Saturn Retrograde 2024: Karma Is Coming & It’s Time for Paying Debts

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

Once every twelve months, Saturn, the astrological planet associated with limits, rules, structure, and karma lessons, goes into retrograde.

The duration of each retrograde phase is approximately 4.5 months. Mercury retrograde occurs a few times a year and is the most disruptive, although all retrogrades are periods of introspection and integration. Saturn retrograde and the others that last longer each year provide opportunities for introspection and the consolidation of knowledge gained throughout the year.

Retrograde in Astrology

When a planet appears to be moving backwards, it is called a retrograde in astrology and astronomy. There’s no such thing as going backwards. Because the two planets are traveling at different speeds, it appears that way. The idea is the same as when two trains are running parallel to one another. The slower train seems to be going backwards to the passengers on the faster one, even though it is actually moving forwards. Therefore, the slower planet appears to go backwards whenever Earth passes another planet.

Planets in retrograde motion were traditionally thought by astrologers studying the skies of antiquity to be celestial visitors to the underworld. It was a chance to think about what you’ve learned from life and listen to the wisdom of the dead, who had experienced it all before. That is why it is still considered a good idea to take it easy and put what we have learned into practice during retrogrades. Although there are many retrogrades throughout the year, we frequently find ourselves forced to take action during them, even though retrogrades are not a time for action.

Saturn Retrograde 2024: Dates & Meaning

Saturn will enter its retrograde motion this year on June 29 and continue until November 15. It has some crossover with:

  • Pluto Retrograde – May 2 to October 11, 2024
  • Neptune Retrograde – July 2 to December 7, 2024
  • Mercury Retrograde – August 5 to August 28, 2024
  • Uranus Retrograde – September 1, 2024 to January 30, 2025
  • Jupiter Retrograde – October 9, 2024 to February 6, 2025

With several planets going retrograde from July through October, the lessons of Saturn’s retrograde will only grow stronger.

Typically, when Saturn is retrograde, it’s a good time to take stock of our limits and reflect on the challenges we’ve faced. Saturn is like a father or mother who insists you do your homework, follow through on commitments, and follow all the rules. When Saturn wants to teach us a lesson, it can impose its will on us by setting limits or adding structure to our lives. On the other hand, if we are always setting limits and collecting lessons without ever putting them into practice, we may never realize how hard we are working or remember these lessons to improve next time.

The emotional water sign Pisces is known for its lack of boundaries, so the 2024 Saturn retrograde could be quite impactful. When it comes to matters of the spirit or the subconscious, you might anticipate reflections or reminders of your limits. Furthermore, limits on service may be brought to your attention. If you want to be a good caregiver for other people, Saturn may show you that you need to be a good caregiver first. The house this retrograde passes through in your natal chart can also influence how it manifests in your life. Your lessons might end up being about the various aspects of that house’s life.

Saturn Retrograde 2024: Which Zodiac Signs Are Most Affected?

This Saturn retrograde might be more noticeable for those whose “personal planets” (Mercury, Venus, and Mars) or “big three” (Sun, Moon, or Rising sign) all have multiple Piscean placements. Since Neptune rules Pisces, it is possible that those whose natal charts feature this planet may also experience the effects of this retrograde. Furthermore, it might be felt more strongly by those with Saturn in Pisces or by those who have strong aspects between Saturn and another Pisces planet.

Things To Avoid During Saturn Retrograde

While it may be impossible to completely escape the following, it is important to keep an open mind, not take things personally, and pay close attention, particularly when dealing with limits and restrictions. Instead of becoming angry, try to focus on what you can gain from the experience. It is recommended that you:

  • Avoid overworking yourself. Mercury in retrograde motion encourages quiet contemplation. Put in the time and effort, but don’t forget to give yourself breaks so you can recharge.
  • Avoid overly risky behavior. On a typical day, Saturn is the planetary ruler of personal accountability. When it’s in retrograde, we might feel more daring and want to loosen up a bit. Enjoy yourself, but watch out for any long-term problems.
  • Avoid disrespecting mentors and authority figures. Saturn is another planet that influences our relationships with those in positions of power. Saturn in retrograde can make you want to cut ties with everyone and slap your boss for being overbearing. Before speaking or acting authoritatively, make sure it will benefit you.

How to Make the Most of Saturn Retrograde?

The Saturn retrograde is an excellent opportunity to assess your life and decide which habits and routines are serving you well and which ones you can do without. And you ought to:

  • Take care of problems with other people right away; they shouldn’t be left unattended.
  • Ask yourself if the people in your life respect your personal space. Is the status quo of your relationships something you’re happy with?
  • Get through the tough times, even when the going gets tough. Saturn teaches us that perseverance and commitment are key.

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