Home Consciousness Venus in Pisces, March 11th, Will Turn Your Love Life into a Magical Fairytale

Venus in Pisces, March 11th, Will Turn Your Love Life into a Magical Fairytale

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

Anyone who doubts the veracity of fairy tales and their happy endings is in for a delightful surprise: those born between March 11 and April 5 may find themselves more open to romantic fantasies and enchanted by the transit of Venus in Pisces.

Symbolic of a love that transcends space and time, this transit is profound and ethereal. During this period, we experience heightened sensitivity to our feelings and a profound capacity to connect with people, even in the absence of verbal expression.

A hypnotic love spell could cast us astray as we become entangled in the murky depths of our emotions. Jupiter and Neptune, the planetary rulers of Pisces, give us the impression that our hearts have room to grow and that we can trust that other people are genuinely good. On the other hand, we need to keep in mind that our expectations can get the best of us, and that this can cause us to be let down. Although Venus in Pisces has a tendency to look past people’s imperfections, Maya Angelou once said that when someone shows you their true colors, you should listen to your gut.

It might be easy to lose track of time and space when Venus is in Pisces. A generous and idealistic outlook on loved ones is encouraged during this transit, which can cause one to overlook warning signs in relationships. Those closest to us may experience heightened sensitivity to their needs and an overwhelming desire to meet those needs during this time. We shouldn’t put our own feelings last and should instead make sure to shower ourselves with the same amount of love and care that we show to others. To avoid running out of steam or giving other people more than they can handle, it’s crucial to keep our own cup full at all times. Although it may be challenging, we must prioritize our own needs above all else. Failing to do so may lead us to feel burned out or as though others are taking advantage of our kindness.

Taking the time to pamper and care for oneself is a great approach to get the attention and respect that we deserve. Taking care of oneself should be a top priority right now, since Venus is exalted in Pisces. Taking care of one’s physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional health at the same time allows one to make more well-informed decisions as they cleanse and heal themselves. It is more important to love ourselves than to love other people. Self-love is the most significant and enduring partnership, so it deserves our undivided attention and kindness.

Creativity is at its peak during this transit. When we let our minds wander, we can explore uncharted territory and come up with fresh ideas. Right now is when we should fully embrace our talents and try new things with our artistic abilities. We are capable of producing extraordinary results when we combine our aspirations, instincts, and interests. This is also a chance to try something new with our creativity and see things from a different angle.

It is crucial for our desires to be in harmony with our emotions in order for them to come true. Whatever it is that we wish to manifest in this world and beyond must have a profound emotional resonance with us. During these difficult times, it is essential that we contribute to our communities and the world in general. Helping others and fostering unity are both achieved through this action. The sensitivity and desire to make sure that everyone is cared for, noticed, and loved is heightened by Venus’s placement in Pisces.

During its transit through Pisces this year, Venus will make a number of significant connections. Commitment to ourselves and our relationships is in the air as Venus joins Saturn in Pisces on March 21. On March 24, three days later, Venus will square off with Jupiter in Taurus, urging us to let our feelings out and explore new romantic possibilities. When Venus aligns with Uranus in Taurus on March 28, love is sure to be a whirlwind. After that, on April 3, Venus will make a romantic and dreamy connection with Neptune in Pisces. On April 3, though, we need to watch out for disappointment because it could lead us astray from reality.

We must be vigilant and not let ourselves be swayed by inflated expectations.

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