Home Consciousness Spiritual Dogma: Becoming Free From Dogmas

Spiritual Dogma: Becoming Free From Dogmas

by consciousreminder
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Tear yourself away from the dogmas of your so-called religious sects, for I say unto you that those who order their laws have never yet approached into the presence of things spiritual.” – Osiris

In our spiritual journey, we can be lost in dogma just as easily as we have faith in truth.

Like most truths, many people believe their truth is the best one.

A truth is what we think as true. It is a fact in our mind.

While some things are easily verifiable such as the existence of a sun, other truths such as the origin of humans or the process of spiritual initiation is a lot more subtle because we cannot physically verify it.

This ambiguity and lack of tools to verify it inevitably give rise to fantasy. People don’t like to leave a question unanswered so they fill in the blanks with their own ideology. It becomes dangerous when people are convinced of their own ideology.

Take some of the religious doctrines. Some folks are utterly convinced that there are no need for any explanation for why it is the way it is. And if they were to question their own tradition, then they would give into doubt (which is the opposite of faith).

It is not so much what the belief but what it does to us that causes harm. Harm via dogma comes from attachment of an illusion or lack of understanding of a part of a truth.

If we experience tremendous pain and suffering, then we believe that the world is negative. But if we experience more pleasant scenarios, then we come to believe that the world is positive.

What is the truth? Could it be that the world is both negative and positive? Yet, if we attach only to one side of the paradox, we become fixated on a certain perspective. That fixation fixated perspective is the dogma.

The way to move forward is to become free from spiritual dogma.

What are Dogmas?

Dogma comes from the Greek meaning “that which we think is true.” However, it is more used as a way to say that a certain religious or political belief is absolute and unquestionably true.

What makes a belief a dogma? Are all beliefs and faith dogma?

It is only dogma when the belief or faith strengthens the ego and attachment to a certain identity.

Often the person within the dogmatic system have a need to belong. They feel doubtful of their own answers and sought for a group they can identify with to feel the sense of assurance they lack in themselves.

The purpose of dogmatic beliefs is not to reinforce spiritual principles but to define who we are. We are Muslim, Christian, Hindus, Democratic, etc. This leads to the feeling of “being-in-the-know” to glorify oneself as right and others as wrong.

This is why dogmas often ends up in criticizing, attacking, and destroying others. When the ego is threatened, it defends itself for what it believe is true of itself.

The Dogmas of Society

Every law is subject to change. Change is the constant in reality.

Customs, opinions, and laws vary from country to country, religion to religion, person to person, and time to time.

They are always changing. None can agree with the other. Therefore, none of it are true.

For a thing to be true and real it must withstand change.

As long as you are controlled by law or convention, you are not acting on your spiritual self.

Does This Mean We Accept All Beliefs?

The New Age rejection of previous dogmas has led to a widespread acceptance and tolerance to any and all beliefs.

Unfortunately, this kind of attitude will accept the most widely held claims. Everything is up for grabs. The more absurd the claims, the greater the followers.

And it is not just New Agers who believe in “galactic federations” but also scientific minded folks who believe in “UFO and aliens”.

While it is not wise to hold oneself to a dogma, it is also not wise to believe to any and all beliefs.

So what do you do instead?

Test the doctrines. Question the belief. Find verifiable and substantial proof.

And if it is not possible to find any, think whether it appeals to intuition and reason.

How to Become Immune to Dogmas

When all is changing, there is one thing which is unchanging – your Higher Self.

Also known as the Divine Soul or the conscience within.

When you listen to the inner voice of intuition, you are free to do what you want because your actions will always be right and your virtue always be true.

No longer are you bind by cults, religious sects, and common conventions people have spewed you for millenium.

Think for yourself and don’t be afraid to question things which do not seem right to your intuition.

*It is imperative to distinguish between your intuition and emotional impulse. Intuition is a quiet guiding voice which compels you to the right direction but which you have the will to change while an emotional impulse has some emotion or fight/flight reaction to it which you have no will to change.

Although you are quite right to listen to your ‘inner voice’, I must point out that there are two inner voices which prompt you, and each pulls in the opposite direction. So you must learn to distinguish from whence the ‘voice’ originates, and this should not prove difficult if you remember that you have two minds – the Higher and the lower. The lower mind is wily, wilful, subtle and deceitful, and tries very hard to escape our spiritual discipline.

Be True to You

As long as you hold true virtues and listen to your intuition you are a free spiritual being.

When I say virtues, I do not mean the morals instilled from religion. Such kinds of morals will only give you guilt and fear, both of which are a hindrance to spiritual progress. It will lead to dogma.

If you choose to become an independent free spirit, there will be no guilt nor fear as your actions are based on intuition. And your intuition knows all Wisdom and Truth in your best guidance.

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