Home Consciousness Mercury Retrograde is a Constant Nemesis for These 3 Zodiacs

Mercury Retrograde is a Constant Nemesis for These 3 Zodiacs

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

There is a conflict between the astrological event and their character quirks.

If you happen to experience the frustration of missing your train, texting the wrong person, or accidentally sending a typo-ridden email to your boss, it’s likely that the cosmic alignment is playing a role. During this period, there may be a noticeable increase in communication challenges and a sense of things not going as planned. Although it has an influence on everyone, there are certain zodiac signs that are particularly affected by it.

For a brief overview, Mercury retrograde is a recurring phenomenon that happens several times a year and typically spans around three weeks each time. During this time, the planet Mercury seems to be moving in a backward direction in its orbit as observed from Earth.

Although the planet’s actual movement remains unchanged, this event is thought to have a significant impact on various aspects of your life. Specifically, it is believed to influence areas such as communication, travel, technology, and contracts, which are governed by Mercury.

Consequently, there tends to be an increase in misunderstandings, travel delays, and tech glitches, accompanied by a prevailing feeling of chaos and confusion. However, Mercury retrograde has its positive aspects – it can be seen as a celestial pause.

It seems as if the universe is sending a message, urging you to take a moment to pause, contemplate, and reevaluate. This is an opportunity to reconcile, resolve unfinished matters, and engage in deep self-reflection. Engaging in actions that begin with ‘re-‘ can bring about significant benefits. Consider revisiting, redoing, revising, and reviewing to enhance your outcomes.

There are certain signs that are more likely to notice the effects of Mercury retrograde. This is because their ruling planets and the areas of life influenced by Mercury in their astrological charts make them more sensitive to these shifts.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

During Mercury retrograde, Geminis tend to experience some challenges. Geminis are known for their exceptional communication skills, which is a characteristic commonly associated with air signs. They seem to be constantly connected, engaging with friends, staying active on social media, and actively participating in discussions at work.

However, when Mercury is in retrograde, the usual strengths of Gemini seem to diminish. This sign may experience difficulty expressing themselves in meetings or coordinating plans with friends, resulting in confusion and annoyance.

Given their inclination towards abstract thinking, Geminis may find themselves facing obstacles in the form of disrupted technology and travel during retrograde periods. These disruptions can hinder their ability to freely express their thoughts and engage with others. Watch as they struggle to update their devices just to send a simple message.

For Geminis to navigate this period successfully, it can be beneficial to openly acknowledge and express their emotions. Admitting frustration and seeking assistance can significantly reduce the stress of each retrograde.

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

Virgo, ruled by Mercury, is an earth sign that is renowned for its meticulous attention to detail, hyper-organization, and practical approach to life. This individual has a strong affinity for organization and planning. They thoroughly enjoy creating to-do lists, itineraries, and shareable calendars to stay on top of their tasks and schedule.

When Mercury goes retrograde, it throws their carefully crafted plans into disarray, resulting in an unexpected surge of disorder and chaos in their daily life. Out of the blue, they find themselves waking up later than intended, missing their yoga session and setting the tone for a day filled with lateness.

Virgos might find this disruption particularly challenging, as it goes against their innate need for order and structure. If your Virgo friend is suddenly in the worst mood ever, you’ll be able to sense the cosmic influence at play.

In preparation for these phases, Virgo may consider devising alternative plans for all their desired activities during Mercury’s retrograde period. Having a solid foundation allows Virgo to handle unexpected changes with less distress.

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

Even though Pisces isn’t directly influenced by Mercury, the sign still faces challenges during retrograde periods of the planet. With their innate intuition, Pisces is highly attuned to the subtle energies that surround them, effortlessly sensing any disturbances in the air.

Adding to the challenges, Mercury is actually in detriment in Pisces. As a result, when Mercury retrograde occurs, Pisces may experience a fog of confusion and misunderstandings that can have a profound impact on them. At times, it can be quite difficult for Pisces to have complete faith in their intuition.

During this time, a Pisces may experience feelings of unease, uncertainty, or distress, which can disrupt their sense of peace and harmony with the world. Their emotions may experience greater fluctuations than usual, which can make it challenging for them to navigate through the day.

To have a more harmonious experience during Mercury retrograde, Pisces individuals can embrace their daily rituals and practices such as journaling and meditation. These activities will assist them in reconnecting with their innate rhythm and intuition.

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