Home Consciousness Twin Flames: Healing & Shadow Work

Twin Flames: Healing & Shadow Work

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

The shadow work that you do is the most essential component of the twin flame healing process.

This is a proactive way of advancing your journey towards union, but before we get into that, I want to give you a heads up: we are going to have to engage in some brutal honesty here.

When you do your shadow work and heal your twin flame, you will have to face some unpleasant realities about yourself. The best thing you can do for your twin and yourself is to work toward union, which is a long process.

Explain what it is, walk me through the steps, and tell me why it’s important.

What Does Shadow Work Mean?

Before we can begin to address it, we must first identify it.

Our bodily selves are the first aspect of ourselves of which we are aware. Who we are as fully aware individuals.

We also have parts of ourselves that we are completely unaware of. These pieces may hold significant influence over your life, but they are buried deep within our subconscious. Things that we are consciously denying, but aren’t even cognizant of it. Sometimes it’s so obvious to other people, but when they point it out, we’ll always deny it.

Everyone does this; it’s just human nature. It’s a major issue in twin flame relationships, and I know a lot of you are probably thinking “that’s not me” as you read this.

Restrictions imposed on us by our subconscious are never beneficial. In any relationship, but especially in a twin flame one, where we see the other person reflected in every aspect of our lives, it restricts us. It can’t be concealed.

In order to move forward on the twin flame path, we must face these hidden demons. The process is called shadow work, so called because we are illuminating these previously darkened areas.

So Crucial, Yet Neglected Too Frequently

I spend a lot of time talking to people about their own paths, and I have a personal connection to the twin flame journey.

Shadow work is so damn often ignored, and I’ve had to use the line “I rant because I care” a few times because of this. That’s why I think it’s so common for people to become mired down in their twin flame quest. They lose focus while trying to decipher twin flame telepathy, readings, or numerical patterns.

Please understand. These are great resources for laying out a course of action, but they won’t solve all of your problems. You run the danger of sabotaging your twin flame journey in this lifetime if you fixate on your twin and wait for them to understand.

Avoid this pitfall at all costs, for the love of your twin and for yourself. Just being aware of the journey gives you a rare chance to reach union. Seize the opportunity.

An Introduction to Twin Flame Shadow Work

With this information in hand, we can proceed accordingly. What is the practical implementation of that?

• Check Your Triggers & Patterns

The fact that these issues are so difficult to identify is a major contributor to their difficulty in resolution. When we are self-aware, we may try to ignore our shortcomings for a while, but we will eventually try to address them. In shadow work, we must first identify the obstacles standing in our way before we can overcome them.

We can accomplish this by analyzing the recurring patterns in our lives. Due to the fallibility of human memory and the prevalence of self-deception, this is *rarely* a straightforward two-minute exercise (where journaling proves to be invaluable in shadow work). Try to identify trends by analyzing the things that have gone wrong with us.

Of course, it’s easier said than done, but if it were that simple, everyone would already be a union member.

Take a look at this typical example. Many people struggle in their relationships because they are afraid their partner will leave them. When people let their guard down around another person, it can lead to rejection and even pain. We all learn to avoid getting too near as a defense mechanism. To avoid this kind of discomfort, we avoid getting too close to other people by avoiding or pushing them away first.

This is one of many common manifestations of the fear of being abandoned. This is an issue in general, but it is particularly pertinent to the twin flame path, and we won’t be able to start fixing it until we find the pattern.

It’s very typical to tell ourselves we don’t need to worry about these issues. The easiest way to put off your twin flame union until later is to face the truth you’ve been avoiding.

• Get to the Bottom of Things

The following step, after identifying the issue, is to resolve it. We can’t do that until we find its origins as far back as we can.

Things will start to heat up here, and there isn’t going to be a quick fix. Meditation and writing down thoughts are helpful beginning points for many, but ultimately, we must face our imperfections head-on. Truthfully bettering oneself is the essence of twin flame shadow work.

• Rinse & Repeat

After facing our shadow selves and getting to the bottom of an issue, it’s easy to turn to our twin and hope that union is just around the corner.

The silver lining is that you could be correct, and you’ve definitely made progress; but, this is usually not a “one and done” situation. Typically, a problem must be addressed before the healing process can begin.

In most cases, the shadowing process is easier (though I won’t go so far as to say easy) in its early stages. Along your path to recovery and self-discovery, you will not only become more adept at recognizing and addressing these patterns, but you will also face the underlying issues head-on.

If our work has made a positive impact on your life, we kindly ask for your support so we can continue our work. Thank you!

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