Home Consciousness Aries New Moon, March 21st. – Are You Ready For A Cosmic Reset

Aries New Moon, March 21st. – Are You Ready For A Cosmic Reset

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

Every month or so, a new moon appears, resetting the lunar clock.

New moons are all about the beginning phases of the lunar cycle. Consider the following: intention-setting, reflection, and planning. However, depending on the sign, each new moon has a slightly different flavor. And because it’s in action-oriented Aries and marks the spring equinox, this lunation has a particularly strong sense of new beginnings.

As the new moon enters fiery Aries on March 21, we’ll be inspired to take risks and move forward with all of our goals and passions. The competitive fire sign is pushing everyone’s limits and encouraging us to bet on ourselves, explore, and take charge. If you want a promotion, now is the time to fight for it. Are you in the mood for some romance? This new moon encourages you to take the initiative. Aries energy is all about being edgy, taking initiative, and standing up for yourself.

The new moon also coincides with Mercury, the planet of communication and the mind, in the fiery sign of Aries, spicing up your conversations and making you a little nosier than usual. Aries energy is rash and impulsive, whereas the new moon begs us to slow down and strategize. On this one, lean into the moon’s energy; it’s a great time to take a deep breath and be patient with yourself and those around you.

The Spiritual Meaning of the March 21 New Moon in Aries

The sun’s entry into passionate Aries, which occurs this year on March 21, officially begins the zodiac year. We’ve absorbed all of Pisces’ knowledge, intuition, and innovations, and now Aries takes over to help us put our plans into action. The new moon in Aries encourages us to plan boldly without relying too heavily on the details.

Aries is a cardinal fire sign that craves leadership and passion, so expect to feel particularly empowered by the ram’s brute force — it exudes “don’t take no for an answer” when it comes to crushing your goals and achieving your dreams. With the spring equinox in full swing, this lunation is all about changing seasons. That means ghosting those situationships (with permission), trying out new styles, and making the first move.

This new moon is linked to a rare second new moon in Aries in April (the second is also a solar eclipse), so soak up all lessons about your identity and self-expression. Both new moons will energetically launch you into a completely different version of yourself. Now is an excellent time to focus on your vision for the remainder of 2023 and ask yourself, ‘Who do I need to become in order to make my dream vision a reality?’

A challenging aspect may cause some conflict during the new moon as it squares off with Mars in Gemini. You may be feeling restless and impatient with your current situation, which may lead you to speak or act inappropriately. It’s critical to remember that good things take time in order to avoid letting things bubble over.

Happy New Moon!!!

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