Home Consciousness Today, May 13, Mercury’s Post-Shadow Phase Will Bring New Opportunities & Abundance to Two Zodiacs

Today, May 13, Mercury’s Post-Shadow Phase Will Bring New Opportunities & Abundance to Two Zodiacs

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

Seize the opportunity to mold your own future.

There are times in life when you feel a surge of energy to realize your dreams, and other times when the universe encourages you to pause and reflect. There is no hierarchy between the choices presented by the universe. Embrace the new path revealed and have faith in your ability to control your own destiny.

Today, Monday, May 13, Mercury will complete its post-shadow phase in Aries, marking the end of its first retrograde period in 2024. Mercury initially went into retrograde on April 1, coinciding with the Solar Eclipse in Aries, which marked a significant period for fresh starts.

During that time, with Mercury retrograde, it was more about carefully considering your options and intuitively determining the direction that felt most aligned with your path. Now that Mercury has completed its post-shadow phase and returned to its original position before going retrograde, it’s time to revisit the opportunities that were present in April. You can manifest your destined life by harnessing the power of momentum.

Here are the two zodiac signs that will experience abundance on May 13, 2024:

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

Aries’ energy influences your house of luck. This also relates to your sense of abundance through educational, professional, or spiritual pursuits that aim to push you out of your comfort zone and empower you to embark on a fresh journey. Embrace new interests and embark on exciting travels as you discover the boundless possibilities that life has to offer. Aries’ guidance encourages you to expand your soul and embrace the fullness of life.

Today, Monday, May 13, Mercury will finally clear its post-shadow phase, giving you the chance to revisit opportunities that initially appeared in your life around April 1. When Mercury is in Aries, it brings forth a wave of fresh and thrilling opportunities that may require you to step out of your comfort zone. These opportunities hold the potential for a rich and fulfilling life. If you have been contemplating a specific opportunity or new direction in your life, now is the time to confidently make a commitment. You have taken the time to reflect and pause, and now you can wholeheartedly embrace a phase of action. As Taurus energy rises, there is a notable change happening. This presents an exciting opportunity for personal and professional growth. It holds the potential not only for financial abundance but also for a life filled with the meaningful experiences that your soul desires.

It would be beneficial to reflect on the events that unfolded in your life, particularly in your professional sphere, around April 1. By doing so, you can start formulating a strategic plan to determine the path you wish to pursue. It’s crucial to act promptly, considering that Mercury will soon transition from Aries to Taurus on Wednesday, May 15. Utilize this energy’s power and actively pursue the success you envision.

Abundance Affirmation: I am actively seeking ways to enhance the growth of my inner self.

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

Because you are one of the most spiritual signs of the zodiac, you frequently find yourself embarking on a profound journey of self-healing, particularly when it comes to addressing issues of self-worth and the significance of material wealth. While seeking a life of financial abundance, there is often a stereotype that associates spirituality with wealth. Fortunately, this is a lesson you have successfully conquered, allowing you to have a clear understanding of your worth and attract what is meant for you.

Today, Monday, May 13, Mercury will complete its post-shadow retrograde phase in Aries, giving you the opportunity to focus on manifesting greater financial abundance. The powerful Aries energy shapes your sector of wealth and self-worth. This highlights the importance of recognizing your true value and how it relates to the financial abundance you can manifest. Mercury in Aries signifies a shift in your perception of self-value and exciting opportunities that are bound to bring more prosperity into your life. After a period of deep introspection and embracing the lessons you’ve gathered, you are now prepared to embrace new and transformative opportunities with confidence.

When Mercury moves out of its retrograde phase, it encounters the powerful energy of Taurus, which governs your house of communication. Opportunities in writing, publishing, social media, or podcasting can help you increase your financial abundance. Take a moment to contemplate the events that unfolded in your life around April 1st. Then, have faith in your abilities and confidently take the first step towards manifesting your prosperous financial future.

Abundance Affirmation: I am working in harmony with the universe to attract financial prosperity.

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