Home Consciousness July Leo vs. August Leo: What Makes Them Different?

July Leo vs. August Leo: What Makes Them Different?

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

Leos, governed by the sun, are known for their expressive nature, confidence, and slight sensitivity, especially when they are not in control.

It is important to note that sharing a zodiac sign with someone does not guarantee a strong connection or shared interests.

Interestingly, there are certain Leos in the zodiac who strongly believe that July Leos and August Leos are like two different species in the vast cosmic jungle. Each individual possesses a distinct zodiacal composition, with personal planetary arrangements that differ depending on their birth year, day, and even hour. Are there any discernible astrological distinctions between Leos born in July and those born in August? It’s not a straightforward answer.

There are numerous factors in astrology that contribute to the unique differences between individuals who share the same zodiac sign. Although our sun signs are important, they are only a small part of the intricate puzzle that is our birth charts. The specific date and time of birth determine the varying moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, and rising zodiac signs of individuals born during Leo season, typically spanning from July 22 to August 22. These individuals may possess similar traits associated with the Leo zodiac sign, but they exhibit significant differences in their communication styles, approaches to relationships, emotional processing, self-expression, and decision-making.

Traditional astrology divided the zodiac signs into three distinct sections known as decans. These subdivisions play a significant role in shaping the expression of energy within each sign. Every sign on the zodiac wheel covers a precise 30 degrees. This means that the initial 10 degrees of a sign correspond to the first decan, the following 10 degrees make up the second decan, and the final 10 degrees constitute the third decan. It’s fascinating to observe that the sun gracefully moves about one degree per day as it journeys through each zodiac sign. Therefore, we classify all Leos born in July as first-decan Leos. On the other hand, the majority of Leos born in August, with the occasional exception of those born on August 1 or 2, fall into the second or third decan Leo category.

Considering the decans, we can explore the significant distinctions between Leos born in July and those born in August, which add a more intricate and diverse dimension to this steadfast fire sign of the zodiac.

Traits of July Leos

It appears that being more attuned to the Cancer season has its advantages. Leos born in July possess a strong sense of fairness and justice. Completely governed by the Sun, individuals of this sign are adept at channeling their creativity in bursts, fueled by their intense passion. Leos born in July have a strong affinity for art and music. Their fearless pursuit of creativity and unwavering ability to effectively communicate and advocate for themselves demonstrate their self-assurance. Based on the positioning of the Sun, it is evident that they possess the qualities of a typical Leo.

July Leos Are the Most Stereotypical Leos

Leos born in August often have secondary co-ruling planets that influence the way their Leo energy shines through. The sun, Leo’s ruling planet, plays a significant role, but these additional influences add depth to their personalities. The first decan Leos, born in July, embody the purest Leo qualities as they are ruled solely by the sun. July Leos often exhibit the distinct qualities commonly associated with Leo energy, such as a flair for drama, creativity, unwavering confidence, boldness, and a strong desire for attention. Individuals born during this time tend to have more pronounced and evident traits.

July Leos Are Natural Attention-Magnets

Leos, especially those born in July, have a natural affinity for the spotlight. They effortlessly draw a crowd and captivate everyone’s attention. First decan Leos possess an undeniable charm and magnetism that effortlessly captivate those around them. Their innate glamour and charisma make it impossible for them to go unnoticed. Naturally, this can occasionally lead them to become excessively captivated by their own reflection, so it is crucial for these lions to maintain a sense of humility, a trait that tends to come more naturally to most Leos born in August!

July Leos Are More Creatively Expressive

First decan Leos born in July are strongly influenced by the sun, fueling their innate drive to express themselves through their creative endeavors. Leos possess an unwavering drive fueled by their deep passion, which compels them to manifest their self-expression in various forms. This innate quality transforms them into skilled artists who wholeheartedly dedicate themselves to their chosen hobbies. However, Leos born in July might discover themselves expressing their creativity in a more concrete and noticeable manner, such as through the mediums of visual art, music, or performance.

Traits of August Leos

August Leos can be quite unpredictable. Many August Leos tend to have strong influences from Jupiter and Mars in their chart, which can give them a more mischievous and daring demeanor in various aspects of their lives. August Leos possess a similar spontaneous and energetic nature as Aries individuals. Individuals born in August tend to exhibit a greater inclination towards spontaneity, often displaying a penchant for impulsive decision-making when it comes to strategizing or engaging in life’s challenges. Who has the audacity to create a complete Barbie movie? An August Leo, that’s who.

August Leos Are More Opinionated

Many Leos born in August fall into the second or third decan, allowing them to be influenced by either Jupiter, the planet of growth, or Mars, the planet of action. Both of these planets enhance Leo’s majestic energy, which is passionate and assertive. If you were born in August, you may notice yourself becoming more assertive in your opinions or engaging in philosophical discussions with friends more frequently compared to July Leos.

August Leos Are More Spontaneous

Leos possess the qualities of determination and a strong commitment to their work, which are characteristic of individuals who excel in their endeavors. However, the August Leos often exhibit a more adventurous and impulsive nature compared to their July-born counterparts. This can be attributed to the influence of Jupiter and Mars, which bring a sense of optimism and determination to these lions. Although all Leos tend to be quite decisive, the August Leos in particular have a knack for following their instincts and making quick decisions.

August Leos Are Natural Leaders

People widely recognize Leos for their bravery and self-assurance, but those born in August often display an even greater level of innate ambition compared to those born in July. The planet Mars, which emphasizes the importance of taking action and achieving goals, influences approximately half of August Leos. This astrological advantage enhances their leadership abilities. Leos born in August have a unique sense of individuality and a strong motivation to take charge.

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