Home Consciousness Your Dreams Are The Inner Guidance You Need So Much

Your Dreams Are The Inner Guidance You Need So Much

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

Our dreams are something more than fantasies and wishes. They reveal our inner truths, as well as expose incorrect conscious attitudes and resolve conflicts, in that way providing healing and self-regulating function.

If you are inflated, they are going to bring you down to reality, and if you are depressed, they can also give you some hope.

With the interpretation of the message in your dreams, you can communicate with your true self, soul, as well as with God. Carl Jung once wrote that he who looks inside actually awakens a little-hidden door in the innermost, as well as most secret recesses of the soul. Understanding your dreams, as well as the hidden symbols, guidance and the messages of it will unlock that doorway for sure.

Freud once wrote that dreams are the royal road to the unconscious. Our unconsciousness, beliefs, desires, motives, and fears can actually thwart our purposes in life, our health, as well as our relationships. As the mentor of Fraud said, named Charcot, what we don’t know controls us. Therefore, interpreting your dreams can actually provide valuable guidance.

In addition, dreams also reveal shadow sides of your personality, both positive and negative, which has to be integrated into conscious awareness. Some dreams even include mythic or universal symbols from the collective unconsciousness. They can also reveal your inner masculine, as well as feminine which strives for balance.

A lot of people are unconscious of the adverse effects or aspects of these archetypes which operate beneath awareness. Such patterns can frustrate your goals, as well as wreak havoc on your life.

Dreams can also provide guidance on how you can heal yourself, the direction in your work and relationships, and so on. They can even predict a doomed romance or show you when you are off-track or when you have some misguided judgments, plans, or business dealings. Occasionally, dreams can also be telepathic, clairvoyant, as well as precognitive, or reminisces of past lives.

If you want to remember the dream you will have, you should plan the night before that. You should tell yourself that you are going to remember and have a journal or tape recorder near your bedside. When you come to consciousness for the first time, you should train yourself to ask what you were dreaming, as your first thought.

You should do that before moving or opening your eyes – certainly before you get out of bed. By then, remembering the dream is left to chance. But, the right place in which you can recall dreams is in the shower. The repetitive tapping of the water can actually simulate your unconsciousness if you are not thinking about something else.

When you adapt to remembering your dreams, you can learn to practice lucid dreaming too, meaning that you will become awake within your dream and you can direct the outcome, much like a movie director. In this way, you can actually use your dreams to practice some new behaviors and attitudes, and overcome fears too.

In Lucid Dreaming, the writer offers a few techniques, which include the practice of reality checking, like checking your watch, remembering yourself to do this in your dreams. If you do this during the dream, it will signal your mind that it is a dream.

Also, you can practice going back to sleep after first waking with having the clear intention to enter into and plan your dreams lucidly. Practicing meditation will also help you with moving between different states of consciousness, as well as remaining alert at the time of profound, restful states. For instance, the Tibetan monks were adept lucid dreamers.

There were seven levels of dreams identified, each of them with increased complexity and consciousness. In the first level, the dreamer is a passive observer, and there may not be other people in the dream.

With some greater complexity, there may actually be a dialogue, self-reflection, as well as seeing the action in the dream from various perspectives or various ages, even dreams within dreams. However, at the highest levels, which include lucid dreaming, the dreamer is reprogramming gene expression.

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