Home Consciousness That’s Right—Mercury Retrograde (Cue the Half-Hearted Fanfare) Is Here: Three Weeks of Pure, Unhinged Chaos

That’s Right—Mercury Retrograde (Cue the Half-Hearted Fanfare) Is Here: Three Weeks of Pure, Unhinged Chaos

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

It’s the most dreaded time of year because Mercury Retrograde is here to heat up some drama this summer.

Mercury retrograde can be quite challenging. In August, we will be compelled to embrace the chaos. Mercury’s current retrograde is having a significant impact on our summer atmosphere, leading to challenges in communication, travel disruptions, and technological issues.

Let’s take a journey back to July 17, when Mercury started its journey through the pre-retrograde zone. Could you please provide me with the dates between July 17 and August 5? I would be happy to assist you in understanding what was happening during that time. Could you describe your relationships and situations? This is the narrative you will navigate during Mercury’s planetary retrograde. If you make a mistake initially (during the pre-retroshade), you’ll have multiple opportunities to correct it.

Mercury retrograde starts on August 5 in Virgo, bringing a time of deep contemplation and potential feelings of unease. When Virgo takes the stage, our analytical skills reach new heights, and we become consumed with matters at hand. During the retrograde period from August 5 to 14, our minds will be highly active and filled with numerous thoughts. We will strive for flawless communication, although it is evident that achieving it may prove challenging. It is important to carefully consider your words before speaking. Additionally, it is recommended to thoroughly review your texts, DMs, and emails prior to sending them to prevent any potential issues.

Mercury in Virgo is not typically associated with dramatic outbursts or attention-seeking behavior. This placement exhibits a calm and balanced demeanor. Mercury’s retrograde for the first nine days may unsettle our emotions and test our patience. There is a strong inclination to maintain our defenses and avoid compromising during arguments. Anticipate receiving disapproving glances or subtle laughter from individuals who hold differing opinions.

During the alignment of Mercury retrograde and Venus in Virgo on August 7, there is a possibility of reconnecting with a past love interest or indulging in some thorough social media investigation to gather insights into their current lives. It’s important to avoid allowing jealousy or insecurities to dictate your emotions. Have faith in the fact that you are stronger without their presence. If you’re seeking a casual encounter or hoping to find closure, August 7 presents an opportune moment to make your move.

Confrontations will only begin when Mercury retrograde backtracks into Leo, from August 14 to 28. During this time, we can anticipate a surge in messiness and drama. The final two weeks of Mercury retrograde will see the planet shift into reverse gear in Leo. Mercury in Leo exudes confident and assertive energy. During retrograde, the communication planet becomes highly energized and ready to make a powerful impact. We will express ourselves with great intensity and without any reservations, which may present challenges in situations where such behavior is considered inappropriate, like in professional settings or group dynamics. It can be quite challenging to master our emotions, especially when our desires remain unfulfilled despite our requests.

On August 18, we have a wonderful opportunity to realign our lives as the sun and Mercury retrograde align. This cosmic connection grants us the ability to gain clarity, make important commitments, and engage in meaningful discussions about the future. Additionally, we can find joy in connecting with our youthful spirit and finding solace in addressing past wounds. Embrace the role of the protagonist in your own life without hesitation. Absolutely yes, my dear! It’s important to note that the presence of Uranus in Taurus may cause some unease and disrupt our daily routines, as unforeseen circumstances have the potential to unsettle us. It can be challenging to restrain your impulses, but you may discover that approaching situations with kindness yields more favorable outcomes. Utilize your charisma and confidence to achieve your goals instead of relying on forceful assertiveness.

Be cautious and avoid assuming that the retrograde will end on August 28. We have yet to navigate through the post-retrograde phase, commonly referred to as retroshade. The shadow will persist until September 11, allowing us ample time to carefully analyze the series of dramatic events that have unfolded in the past few weeks. How exciting! (Insert sarcasm.)

Keep in mind that Mercury retrograde can actually work in your favor if you know how to make the most of it. Take the time to reflect, analyze, and review the past in order to successfully finish projects and find emotional healing. Take advantage of this moment to transform your life. Remember to always treat others and yourself with kindness.

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