Home Consciousness Full Sturgeon Moon in Aquarius: Get the Most Out of This Lunar Adventure by Following These Simple Dos & Don’ts

Full Sturgeon Moon in Aquarius: Get the Most Out of This Lunar Adventure by Following These Simple Dos & Don’ts

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

Now is the perfect moment to embrace a more unconventional approach.

The Leo season is drawing to a close, but it is going out with a bang. The upcoming full moon on August 19 promises to be a spectacular event, as it coincides with the first supermoon of the year. August’s full moon takes place in the unconventional air sign Aquarius, encouraging everyone to embrace their true selves and express their individuality. This moon is also known as the Sturgeon Moon, named after the abundance of giant sturgeon fish that used to populate lakes and rivers during this time of year. It’s a time to celebrate and connect with our authentic selves. Nevertheless, there is a significant amount of celestial turbulence surrounding this lunation. Therefore, being well-informed about the actions to take and the pitfalls to avoid during this full moon can prove invaluable.

Squares can be quite challenging when planets form connections with each other. The shape of a square, with its sharp edges, can make navigation tricky. The powerful energy of August’s full moon influences numerous major planets, presenting a complex celestial configuration. The current celestial alignment involves Mercury retrograde, the sun, and the full moon in a challenging configuration with the unconventional Uranus. Meanwhile, Venus is currently in a challenging aspect with Saturn while also forming a square with Mars and Jupiter. When these squares and oppositions align, they create two challenging formations called T-squares, which can be quite frustrating and leave you feeling a bit stagnant. Indeed, there is quite a significant amount of planetary drama.

Full moons have a way of intensifying energy, and when combined with several challenging aspects, the cosmic tension can feel particularly heavy. Is there positive news? The full moon in Aquarius will ignite a sense of liberation and encourage all zodiac signs to think creatively and devise innovative solutions to any challenges they may encounter.

Follow these tips to harness the powerful energy of the August full moon and maximize its impact on your life.

The biggest DOS during August’s Full Moon in Aquarius:

DO: Be Honest with Yourself

Aquarius, with its rebellious nature, stands out as the unique and eccentric sign of the zodiac. Embracing its energy can help you gain confidence in being different from the rest. Regardless of the challenges you face, it is crucial to embrace and honor your individuality during this Aquarius full moon. Going against the norm and embracing your individuality can be quite daunting, but it adds a sense of excitement and authenticity to life. Stay true to yourself, and you will reap the rewards.

DO: Try Something Out of the Ordinary

Given the full moon’s alignment in Aquarius and Uranus, it would be wise to seek out creative solutions when faced with challenges. Your usual approach may not be sufficient in this case. Approaching things with a fresh perspective is essential for achieving the desired results, particularly when seeking to make changes or overcome obstacles. At this time, consider exploring unconventional options and embracing new opportunities.

DO: Anticipate the Unexpected

With the unexpected alignment of Uranus, the full moon, and Mercury retrograde, get ready for some significant surprises coming your way. Be prepared for unexpected emotional surprises, sudden shifts in perspective, and other unpredictable lunar developments. The influence of Uranus on this full moon is particularly strong, as it is the ruling planet of Aquarius. Therefore, it would be wise to anticipate the unexpected.

The biggest DON’TS during August’s Full Moon in Aquarius:

DON’T: Act on Impulse

The Mercury retrograde during the summer season is currently at its peak, and it is closely opposing the full moon, intensifying its impact. Given this planet’s influence on logistics and information, it would be wise to avoid making hasty decisions without careful consideration. Currently, there are numerous cosmic alignments that may be causing heightened impulsiveness. It is crucial to avoid making any permanent decisions during this time. Proceed with caution and take your time.

DON’T: Lose Control of Your Emotions

It’s not uncommon for emotions to intensify during a full moon. However, with the current planetary alignments, there is a higher likelihood of experiencing an emotional outburst during this particular full moon. It is important to avoid reacting impulsively or lashing out at someone when feeling anxious. Instead, take the time to calm your mind through meditation, journaling, or self-reflection. This will help you manage your emotions and prevent further stress.

DON’T: Fixate on Things That Aren’t Working

Furthermore, there is an additional challenging alignment involving the planet of love, Venus, and the serious Saturn, along with Mars and Jupiter. During this celestial climate, you might find yourself facing situations that require you to assert your values, establish firmer boundaries to safeguard what truly matters to you, or release any obstacles that are hindering your progress, be it a job, a relationship, or a mindset. Embracing the future is key for Aquarius energy. If something isn’t working, don’t hesitate to step away and create room for new and better opportunities.

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