Home Health & Wellness Get Into Zen-Mode This Virgo Season with These 5 Crystals

Get Into Zen-Mode This Virgo Season with These 5 Crystals

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

Image Source: Unsplash

Leo was a giant fireball that changed the entire way we lived. It was exciting, it was dangerous, but it made us live every single moment.

However, as the Sun moves into Virgo after Leo, we should consider it a boon. After all the glitz and glam, we need to dedicate some time to focus and concentration. We need to get into the drive to make something out of our lives. Enough time spent lounging in the sun, don’t you think?

Being an earth sign, Virgo has always been one for routines. But we wouldn’t be blaming you for not settling into a routine immediately after the whirlwind summer gets over. Precisely why we have these 5 crystals for you that would help you reach that balance and drive that you need in your life.

1. Green Jade

Virgo has always been considered to be the hardest-working of the zodiacs. Given that we are in Virgo’s namesake season, why not utilize Green Jade to bolster your goals? Green Jade is considered one of those crystals that would help one remain grounded, consistent, and focused on their goals. The crystal will only magnify the Virgo vibes.

2. Red Jasper

You spent Leo season vacationing by the pool, but Virgo season requires you to get back on track. Red Jasper is one such crystal that would help you bring a positive attitude to your life and get some work done. You might also want to go back to reading, and Red Jasper will help you there, too. For positive vibes, make the most of the Virgo season with this crystal.

3. Black Tourmaline

With so much work to do, there is absolutely no time for negative energy to get you tawdry. Black Tourmaline, hence, can be used to shield us from bad vibes that might shift our focus from what’s important. This crystal is considered to cleanse out energy that is stagnant. This will help us move ahead in life.

4. Clear Quartz

It isn’t enough to simply work. All work and no play make Jack a dull boy. One has to also take care of their health, which is only possible if Clear Quartz is used. Each day is important when using Clear Quartz. This Quartz would cleanse your mind of all the negativities that might infiltrate it. If your mind is positive, so will your body be. In fact, using clear quartz is your way of signifying to the Universe that you are crystal clear to get back into the game from all fronts. There is no time for self-doubt now, as you need to get back up and show the world and yourself who you are. The Virgo season provides us with the motivation to rejuvenate and progress towards a promising future with a fresh start.

5. Aquamarine

At times, the Leo season can be quite thrilling. This is why it’s important to manage and moderate your energy levels as the Virgo season takes over. Aquamarine can be used to temper the wild side that you are supposedly bestowed with. Also, you need to maintain peace and harmony in your home, so why not use Aquamarine anyway?

Select a night in the Virgo season when you can set up an altar for the crystals. After you have completely charged up your balance and your desire to break through barriers, you will be someone people won’t mess with. The Crystals and Virgo will combine to give you internal Zen and external confidence.

Enjoy the Virgo season, armed with your crystals!

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