Home Consciousness Virgo New Moon Ushers Change This September 2024

Virgo New Moon Ushers Change This September 2024

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

September 2nd/3rd brings a powerful Virgo New Moon, so be prepared for a period of intense changes.

In many ways, this new moon serves as a fresh opportunity for us, allowing us to hit the reset button and embrace a second chance. Now is the perfect moment to embrace simplicity, purification, and grounding. This is the ideal time to focus and put into practice all the knowledge we have acquired. We are just emerging out of Mercury retrograde, and Mercury is the ruler of Virgo. Let’s go back to July 17th, when Mercury first entered its shadow zone in Leo. Since then, we still need to address some issues, but by adopting a fresh perspective, we can identify and potentially resolve them.

There is a significant amount of energy present in the air signs, as Venus resides in its natural home of Libra, and both Mars and Jupiter are positioned in Gemini. There is a pleasant and friendly atmosphere surrounding us, despite the fact that we are currently facing significant and critical circumstances in our lives, with Saturn exerting its strong influence.

Jupiter in Gemini is a year-long transit that lasts until June 2025. There is a notable significance with this new moon, as Mercury, the ruler of Gemini and Virgo, comes into play. One of the main challenges posed by Jupiter in Gemini is the multitude of choices and possibilities that can become overwhelming and hinder our ability to make wise decisions. This Virgo new moon holds significant importance in our journey with Jupiter in Gemini. It serves as a crucial stepping stone, aiding us in the initial process of culling, refining, readjusting, and eliminating various aspects that may have been swirling since the spring.

Finally, we have both Uranus and Pluto making their presence known. Just one day before the new moon, Uranus entered retrograde in Taurus. Pluto has been in retrograde since May 2nd, when it started moving backwards in Aquarius. Pluto, however, re-enters Capricorn just a day before the new moon, specifically on September 1st. Between September 1 and November 19, we have the very final period of Pluto in Capricorn in our lifetimes.

This New Virgo Moon signifies the time for healing and making important decisions. So, does this mean your problems will disappear magically? Of course not.

Many times in life we reach a state of stasis where we don’t do what our soul desires. This could be anything from writing, singing, dancing, or drawing—anything that rejuvenates the soul and the mind. This is where our souls die a silent death, and with the New Moon, you can decide your destiny by rejuvenating your spirit.

Happiness isn’t magic; it’s a state of mind that requires effort just like everything else. You can’t put others’ lives ahead of yours and expect a miracle. You need to reflect on the people you keep close, the path of life you choose, and most importantly, the evolution of your own soul.

Here are the ways in which this transitional phase will affect you:


You’ll get less sleep and wake up earlier than usual. Take this as a sign to be more productive during the extra hours that you get. 24 hours is a long time if you wish to accomplish something. As your energy level rises and your activity level increases, you will also experience frequent hunger. It is completely natural, so nourish your body.


Epiphanies will become the part and parcel of your life. This is a time to pause and ponder. Don’t jump to conclusions or do irrational things, but take your time to evaluate. Channel your creative energy into art or anything else that requires imagination. This is a productive period; don’t let it go. As they say, “Look before you leap.”


You may feel a little introverted, and that’s perfectly fine. You must focus on yourself and work towards your goals. It’s okay if you don’t want to go partying on a Saturday night and instead decide to stay home reading a book. Choose your actions wisely, and they’ll give you the life you want.

Let go of all the things that chain you down mentally and physically. Challenge yourself to become the best version of yourself.

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