Home Consciousness A Ritual to Harness the Focused Energies of the Emotional Virgo New Moon, September 2024

A Ritual to Harness the Focused Energies of the Emotional Virgo New Moon, September 2024

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

The New Moon in Virgo would bring with itself immense opportunities and possibilities, irrespective of where we stand in life.

On September 2/3, 2024, the Virgo New Moon occurs, making it the last New Moon before the Equinox and the last New Moon before Eclipse Season begins. This New Moon’s auspicious timing serves as our starting point for the coming months. We can channel its power to consider our goals, intentions, and what we want to cultivate as we approach the finish line in 2024.

Four planets are retrograde, and all of the outer planets are active in the skies around the Virgo New Moon. All of this energy may make us feel a little unsettled in our being.

This ritual is intended to soothe any unsettling energies while also allowing you to work with the incredible manifestation energies on offer. You should feel more grounded, recharged, and restored after this ritual.

I hope you enjoy it!

Virgo New Moon Ritual September 2024

The optimal time to perform this ritual is from August 29th to September 7th, 2024.


  • Smudging tool
  • Sheet cut in half
  • One single sheet of paper
  • One candle
  • Crayons, or pens
  • Bowl with water


1. Recite this mantra while using your smudging tool to cleanse your aura.

‘I am in love with myself every single day. I realize that I am wrapped up in positive energy and will never have to suffer through anything as long as I cleanse myself. I feel light, open, and akin to flying in the sky. Thank you.’

As you smudge the surroundings around you, recite this:

‘The space around me is protected and cleansed of anything impure. This space is free from any negativity and is a conduit of positive thoughts. Thank you.’

2. Keep the requirements in front of you and light a candle. Then, simply get into a relaxed posture and start breathing deeply and heavily. Inhale and exhale loudly 20 times, then resume your normal breathing.

3. The following 3 breaths have to be accompanied by a declaration. Mean it, say it out, and feel them reverberate around you.

• First breath

‘I inhale in light that is divine and exhale what is dark.’

As you say it, take a long breath in and imagine the light seeping inside you.

• Second breath

‘I am in sync with the highest alignment there is, letting go of all tensions in my body.’

As you say it, inhale deeply. Imagine being in sync with the highest alignment while simultaneously getting rid of all anxieties.

• Third breath

‘I am in love with myself, releasing every insecurity out into the open.’

Inhale deeply, feeling the love inside yourself while exhaling all the insecurities out.

4. Next, pick up the cut sheet of paper and write anything that you need help with. This could be anything you’re struggling with or something that’s bothering you. It can be anything very tangible and specific, or something very generic. Once you have finished, fold it up.

5. Take up another piece of paper and start writing anything that you feel would be useful to your dreams. Anything, for it need not be specifically big, small, or grandiose. It has to be anything that means something to you.

6. Pick up the first bit of paper. Place it over the candle flame and recite the following:

‘O angels in heaven, please give me the strength and guidance to achieve what I desire. Please help me attain it, as long as it is for my own well-being. Thank you.’

When it gets too warm, put it in a bowl.

7. Take the next bit of paper, which has your action written on it. Hold the paper over the candle flame and recite the following:

‘I have chosen this as my path to walk on. Please give me the required motivation to keep walking on this path without fail.’

Again, when the paper gets too hot, put it in the bowl.

8. Take the other sheet of paper. Use the crayons you have and start making designs of the things you want from life on that sheet. Make elaborate and intricate symbols that you believe will help you on your path, and do not let you stray.

9. Once completed, place the creation in a prominent location to serve as a reminder of the necessary tasks for the upcoming month. This could provide you with some inspiration on how to proceed. When the coming month ends, you can either store it somewhere or simply recycle it.

10. To end the ritual, extinguish the candle, burn the papers, and discard the water.

Wishing you a safe and blessed New Moon ahead.

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