Home Consciousness Get Ready for the Ultimate Autumn Equinox Astro-Experience with This Must-Have Checklist!

Get Ready for the Ultimate Autumn Equinox Astro-Experience with This Must-Have Checklist!

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

Get ready to embrace the changing season as the radiant Sun gracefully glides into the harmonious air sign of Libra on September 22nd, 2024, at 8:44 a.m. ET/2:44 p.m. CET. This momentous celestial event marks the official arrival of autumn, filling the air with a sense of anticipation and renewal. 

Did you know that the changing of seasons is closely linked to the movement of the Sun through the cardinal signs? In astrology, Aries represents spring, Cancer represents summer, Libra represents fall, and Capricorn represents winter. Many individuals unknowingly incorporate astrology into their lives.

As we enter a new season, follow this checklist to ensure a successful start to fall and set the stage for a productive next quarter:

Make Sure to Stay in Touch with the People Who Matter to You.

During this period, it is important to focus on our relationships and the individuals who hold significance in our lives. The influence of Libra highlights this aspect, urging us to reestablish connections with those we hold dear. Prioritize spending quality time with loved ones and nurturing meaningful relationships.

Make it a priority to reconnect with someone you’ve been neglecting, and focus on deepening the emotional connections that may require some attention. With Venus moving into Scorpio, we can expect a shift in our relationships as we become more open to forming deep emotional connections.

The combination of Libra and Scorpio indicates a heightened sense of commitment in our relationships. It suggests that some individuals may choose to make a more serious commitment during this period. With the Solar Eclipse on the horizon, it’s an exciting time!

Make the Most of the Solar Eclipse in Libra.

In less than 2 weeks after the Sun enters Libra, we will experience a Solar Eclipse in the sign of Libra! This is the second occurrence (we had one last year) and will be the final one for a while, so it would be wise to capitalize on the energy while it lasts.

Solar Eclipses are incredibly powerful moments that herald fresh starts, exciting endeavors, and transformative paths in our lives. We could potentially connect the current eclipse to the one that occurred last year. It seems that our current endeavors may have been in the works for quite some time, possibly even a year, or perhaps we had intended to begin earlier but circumstances prevented us until now.

Under the influence of Libra, we may find ourselves making fresh commitments to individuals, projects, concepts, plans, or objectives. Alternatively, we might be reaching a new compromise that brings us the long-awaited harmony we seek. It’s also possible that we’re engaged in negotiations to secure the most favorable terms available to us. Lastly, we could be forming alliances that accelerate our progress.

Restore Equilibrium.

As we enter the Sun in Libra, we are transitioning out of a period of Mercury retrograde. When celestial bodies in astrology start moving backward through the Zodiac, it can disrupt their energy. Mercury retrograde is well-known for causing disruptions in various aspects of life.

The influence of Mercury retrograde began in August and will continue until mid-September, signaling the end of this retrograde phase as we transition into the autumn season.

It indicates a state of increased mental clarity, improved concentration, and a readiness to progress. This perfectly aligns with the Solar Eclipse, indicating the beginning of a significant new phase, chapter, project, or journey. It is beneficial for us to regain equilibrium by identifying areas that require more focus and dedicating our attention accordingly.

Focus on Completing a Significant Goal with Pluto.

Pluto, the celestial body associated with intensity, passion, and transformation, remains in the final degrees of Capricorn for most of autumn. Each Zodiac sign consists of 30 degrees, with the final degree being 29. This phenomenon is known as the anaretic degree, and it possesses an intense energy that, when combined with the movement of the transit planets, has the power to initiate significant developments and activities.

Pluto is nearing the end of its journey through Capricorn, finally departing on November 19. Throughout this period, it remains in anaretic motion. During this period, there is a heightened sense of intensity, passion, and a strong desire for transformation. It may be beneficial to concentrate on making even a small change that empowers you and enhances your sense of control.

Given the current position of Pluto in Capricorn, it appears that a significant phase is coming to a close. This presents an opportunity to wrap up loose ends and bring matters to completion. During this period, it is opportune to bring a long-standing goal to completion. In this regard, the influence of Capricorn is particularly auspicious, as it governs the realm of goals and ambitions. You have the necessary skills and knowledge to navigate this situation effectively, opening up new opportunities as Pluto moves through Aquarius.

Remember to Always Play Fair.

Libra represents a strong sense of fairness, equality, and justice. Those born under this sign may have a tendency to voice their concerns about fairness, even from a young age (speaking from personal experience as a Libra, haha!). When the Sun is in Libra, it is crucial to maintain a sense of fairness, carefully consider all available options, and strive to comprehend various perspectives.

Mastering this becomes easier when Mercury aligns with Libra, which lasts from September 26th to October 13th. When Mercury is in Libra, being associated with the mind allows us to gain diverse perspectives and consider various aspects of situations.

This allows us to gain insights into areas where we may have lacked objectivity and identify opportunities for improvement. Promoting fairness can foster greater peace and harmony, aligning with the influence of Libra.

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