Home Consciousness Deeper Meaning Behind Jupiter Retrograde

Deeper Meaning Behind Jupiter Retrograde

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

The retrograde natal of the planet Jupiter suggests that there has been some difficulty in accomplishing goodness of the soul in an earlier life.

However, this doesn’t mean that a person does not have a good soul, but it means that there are going to be lessons and extra efforts required in his or her life in order to achieve such goodness and to be content and happy.

The retrograde of this planet highlights specific life areas, or personality behaviors and traits, that require further development. Jupiter’s nature is happy, broad-minded, content, and comfortable.

Jupiter, in good health, will continue to grow and expand in terms of spiritual and philosophical outlook. The purpose actually would be to be generous, charitable, welcoming, and friendly to everyone, regardless of his or her social status, ethnic or cultural background, and religion.

The natal retrograde of Jupiter could also show selfishness, greed, gluttony, wastefulness, self-righteousness, and extravagance. What might also hold people back is addiction, bigotry, intolerance, showing off, or ignorance.

Regardless of any obstacles, the primary focus of the Jupiter retrograde will be on spiritual and personal growth. This could have been a constant problem that hindered success over a lot of incarnations.

Relationships or events are going to keep strengthening the area of problems in people’s lives, particularly during the phases of the retrograde of Jupiter.

The retrograde transit of the planet Jupiter is another regular cycle that happens every thirteen months and lasts for four months.

This is the time for spiritual and philosophical reflection and introspection. People may need to deal with specific problems, which include development, growth, success, and happiness.

The retrograde of the planet Jupiter actually means that regardless of the growth area a person has to work on and regardless of its importance, additional time will be needed in order to make sure that everything will be in the right order before he or she continues.

He or she could also be tested to ensure they are prepared to receive a new romance, good fortune, or also increased wealth they always wanted.

Maybe a destructive and inappropriate behavior, such as addiction or greed, will be out of order. In such cases, the retrograde of Jupiter is going to offer the chance to notice, recognize, and then admit the issue.

Things can spiral out of control, necessitating interventions or extreme events to shake people out of their ignorance and complacency.

Once Jupiter goes direct, people need to be on terms with every relevant problem and prepared to keep going ahead towards happiness and success.

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