Home Consciousness Aquarius New Moon 2025: An Onset of a Dramatic New Phase

Aquarius New Moon 2025: An Onset of a Dramatic New Phase

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

Hello, fellow earthlings!

The Aquarius New Moon of this year is not just any astrological event that can be forgotten within a week. It is going to signal the onset of a dramatic new phase. 

This month, the Moon and Sun unite in a vibrant dance within the realm of Aquarius. The New Moon marks the beginning of the Chinese Lunar New Year each year, occurring as the second New Moon following the winter solstice.

The year 2025 marks the arrival of the Wood Snake. For those born under the sign of the Snake, 2025 may bring challenges and is viewed as an unfavorable year. Your personal animal year is referred to as tai sui. To effectively ward off tai sui, it’s recommended to wear red and create an altar oriented towards the cardinal direction linked to your animal sign. The Dragon reigns in the east.

The New Moon in Aquarius brings a unique blend of vitality and exhaustion. Aquarius is governed by Uranus, the most unpredictable of the planets. The influence of Uranus is not only distinctive and unconventional but also encompasses technology, creativity, social dynamics, and connectivity.

Here’s the message dancing in the wind, and the one certainty we can always count on from Aquarius: the future remains a mystery. Aquarius embodies the art of adaptation and the power of detachment. We need to be agile and adapt to the changing currents. This new moon invites you to embrace the journey of navigating unexpected challenges.

It’s the perfect moment to reconsider your approach to everything— and I truly mean everything. Discover the world of alternative education, social justice, and environmentalism—explore ideas that challenge the status quo and ignite your curiosity…what if? The journey of an Aquarian is destined to be unique and unconventional, no matter the circumstances. It’s far from “normal.”

Exciting update: this New Moon creates a harmonious trine with Jupiter Retrograde in Gemini. This moment aligns perfectly with the conjunction of Mercury and Pluto in Aquarius. I’ve mentioned this about Aquarius countless times: get ready for the surprises that await. The arrival of Aquarius and Uranus signals a time of unexpected transformation, making it essential to release any attachments or expectations as we embrace this New Moon. Pluto signifies a profound transformation that transcends mere intellect, delving deep into the realms of spiritual and emotional growth. This New Moon radiates vibrant energy and indicates a swift progression ahead. Get ready, everyone, because we’re about to experience something incredible.

At times, the New Moon in Aquarius can feel like a mixed bag, filled with some less-than-pleasant surprises. Honestly, who craves more chaos and uncertainty in their life at this moment? Who’s ready to embrace that exhilarating sense of anticipation? No one at all.

If the whirlwind of energy around you is leaving you feeling unsteady, direct your attention to the root chakra during your meditation practice.

Embrace the magic of the New Moon!

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