We are all on a journey towards wakefulness, towards becoming our true selves, and towards remembering who we really are.
The fact is that every individual journey is unique. Everyone is getting there at their own pace, some slow, some fast. However, one experience that is common to all these individual journeys is that of a little regression in their progress.
Everyone has felt this little hurdle, which makes it hard for them to continue on their journey of becoming more aware. The good news is that these windbreakers can be overcome. The only requirement is that we be vigilant about our own behavior and reactions.
So what is it that makes us step back when we should instead be moving forward with all the energy we can muster? The culprit here is judgment. Without realizing it, we indulge in judgment too frequently every single day. These figures need to be checked if we really want to move forward with our journey of self-discovery and awareness.
This doesn’t mean that judgment is bad or wrong. In fact, it is one of our most natural responses. And it is at work everywhere, whether we are dealing with someone or something. Judgment is the power that helps us discern whether certain things are going to affect us positively or negatively.
Our choices in life, whether big or small, rely heavily on judgment, and thus we cannot ever do away with it entirely. Perceiving judgment as a negative force that requires suppression merely exacerbates the issue. It is a natural impulse, and when we insist on not acknowledging it, it just takes us a step back in our awareness journey.
A judgment is, simply put, an opinion. The problem starts when we start to address these opinions as a marker of the identity of something or someone. And in most cases, this marker is such that it separates us from the object or person we have presumably judged.
Opinions should, ideally, change. As we grow and our situation in life changes, things that were not favorable to us before might have become better suited in light of current circumstances. Hence, opinions based on judgment should be fluid and subject to change, not harsh and unyielding.
So when it comes to judging people and forming rock-solid opinions about them, we might be wrong. And even worse is when we project our fear onto them without ever having given them a chance to show us otherwise.
To do so, we will have to look inward. When we try to find out what it is in us that makes us look at a certain situation or person the way we do, we might not only come closer to moving beyond our judgments, but also come to a better understanding of our own selves.
What we also need to understand is how judgment, or rather, the identifying marker we put on people, affects not just them but also us. We are depriving ourselves of knowing and learning from so many fascinating people just because we decided that we were either too intimidated by them or grossed out by them.
This perspective significantly limits our ability to communicate effectively, potentially putting us at a disadvantage. The fact that most of the time we are not even conscious of what we could be missing only adds to the problem. Therefore, we need to consciously put effort into all our interactions every day, lest we catch ourselves falling victim to judging others.
This is the only way forward that will help us in our awakening journey.
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