Home Consciousness Mercury Goes Retrograde On March 6: Hiding Under The Covers Is Not An Option

Mercury Goes Retrograde On March 6: Hiding Under The Covers Is Not An Option

by consciousreminder

by Conscious Reminder

On the 6th of March, 2019, Mercury retrograde is going to happen. Yes, it’s back to the same careful life.

It would be necessary to repeat the same old advice regarding Mercury retrogrades, that is: Don’t try to sign any new contracts at this moment; don’t try to embark on a trip; don’t get engaged, etc.

You have been through this, and you know how careful we have to become during the retrograde period. But this retrograde is a long one. It lasts for eight weeks and generally happens about three to four times every year!

That is too long a time to just sit in the house and worry about what is going to happen. Rather, we should be a bit more courageous and live the retrograde to its fullest.

Confusing Times

When the Mercury retrograde takes place, Mercury goes down to the underworld. This means it affects our spirit side, situated on the right side of our brain. When this happens, we might become a bit more sensitive than usual and have a boost in our psychic levels. Reality will seem extra-real during this time.

You will become more observant and be able to notice things which you might have overlooked. Since this Mercury retrograde is going to go on the same degree thrice, you may have to do certain tasks again and again. There might be some repetitions of dangers too.

An Unsteady Phase

Mercury retrograde is also changing directions and when it does so, it will result in a form of unsteadiness in your life. You might misunderstand things and there will be occasions of miscommunication as well.

Silly mistakes will continue to mess up your good work and some careless errors in your work will frustrate you. This unsteady phase is especially bad with communication and starting new work.

Once Mercury enters the underworld, then we can continue with our work since we are already safe in a specific realm. The stability, wherever it might be, will be reflected in our daily activities.

Mercury will also station direct, and when that happens, the same unsteady phase will be coming back. So it would be best if you take a couple of days of rest during this period until your brain starts adjusting to everything.

A Bit Of Indecisiveness

Mercury retrograde occurs in the house in your natal chart falling in the Underworld zone. This retrograde brings a bit of shadow in your life and so now, you will start questioning and doubting everything that you do.

When you are about to sign a contract, you might be thinking if that is what you really want to do or not. If you do have certain pending work, then it is best if you complete it well before the retrograde happens, especially work related to your Solar left-brain.

Once the retrograde takes place, take a day out and let everything slow down for the moment. Let the energy come to you and take you off to a whole new dimension.

The Mercury Retrograde in March 2019

The Mercury Retrograde that is happening on the 6th of March will be deceiving. It will come in conjunct with Neptune twice, and on top of that, it is in Pisces. Mercury is not quite comfortable when it is in Pisces and can get jittery.

It means that during this period, you will be prone to accidents. On top of that, it is in conjunct with Scheat which implies that there could be accidents while traveling in the sky. So travel by air is not a recommended mode of travel. However, the fixed stars Ankaa and Achernar are also coming into the alignment and they bring a lot of promise.

Their arrival will be great for communicating and studying spiritual matters. Plus, Mercury is also going to square the teacher Jupiter which will be aligned with the Ras Alhague in 22º Sagittarius. With Ankaa in the Phoenix, Mercury can exit the underworld too, bringing a lot of clarity in your life.

This Mercury retrograde will speak in symbols and myth, and also the language of music. The connection between mouth and intuition is as fast as quicksilver though, so it might seem at times that we are simply downloading information from the collective consciousness.

The Mercury retrograde, as always, will bring a lot of challenges. It is best if you remain a bit careful, especially regarding traveling, and try to take necessary breaks when you are feeling dazed. You have faced such a retrograde before, so believe in yourself and you will get past this one too.

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Maria Catalina Egan February 26, 2019 - 4:36 pm

Re-Write, revise edit, revisit. I have personally had some FABULOUS Mercury retrogrades, and no my birth Mercury is NOT retro. But I gave birth to my only child during Mercury Retro and bought two houses which turned out to be great, one I live it today for the last 15 yrs. I find that loads of people I have not seen or heard from before contact me during Mercury retro.
Love your posts and I always learn a lot. THANK YOU

Matthew March 4, 2019 - 11:27 pm

Murcury Retrograde starts on the 5th, not thr 6th! Much love to everyone


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