Home Consciousness We Are All Talented In Our Own Way: These Are The 9 Types Of Intelligence

We Are All Talented In Our Own Way: These Are The 9 Types Of Intelligence

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

When imagining highly intelligent individuals, many people think of only one stereotype from the many existing stereotypes.

In reality, intelligent people or geniuses appear in different forms. In fact, there are many things at which human beings may be “intelligent” doing.

A lot of people actually believe that they are not going to have the ability to learn certain things because they aren’t geniuses or intelligent people when it comes to a particular topic or subject.

However, Howard Gardner, a psychologist, claimed that we all have several intelligence types.

Science pertains to nine kinds of intelligence in human beings.

The book of Gardner, titled “Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences,” serves as an excellent tool for simply determining the weakness and strength of a person.

According to the beliefs of Gardner, the features which are making people intelligent may be categorized: visual-spatial, musical-rhythmic, verbal-linguistic, bodily-kinesthetic, logical-mathematical, interpersonal, intrapersonal, existential, and naturalistic.

Visual-spatial: The capacity to think in three different dimensions. Some of the core capacities include image manipulation, active imagination, mental imagery, spatial reasoning, and artistic skills;

Musical-rhythmical: Ability to timbre, tone, pitch, and rhythm;

Verbal-linguistic: The ability to utilize complex language in order to convey some complex meanings;

Bodily-kinesthetic: The ability to utilize different physical skills or to manipulate items and objects;

Logical-mathematical: The ability to consider propositions, to calculate, complete math operations, and quantify;

Interpersonal: The ability to constantly interact with other people well, including non-verbally and verbally;

Intrapersonal: The ability to comprehend our own thoughts and feelings;

Existential: The ability to think about the human existence and profound questions;

Naturalistic: The ability to also discriminate between different living things.

Intelligence will empower people.

If we read the works of Gardner, they will permit us to get to know ourselves much better. Acknowledging the strengths we have will free us from recognition and stereotypes; however, becoming conscious of our weaknesses will permit us to focus on those weaknesses and work better in order to make ourselves better in future.

Understanding intelligence.

Specifically, every one of us has the ability to take tests, including the nine intelligence types. Otherwise, we all have the ability to determine what intelligence kind we have.

This is actually the only case when our honesty will be our best policy. We shouldn’t answer hesitantly because as we do that, we sell our potential intelligence.

Intelligent people are different.

For instance, when the test results will suggest that we are intelligent linguistically, we should seek some career based on linguistics and writing.

Even when we aren’t working in the particular area which our results suggest, we should think about our skills and our potential success if we work that job, because it will provide ideas that certain careers fit our intelligence.

Additionally to this, it is even quite important to deeply think about what those results suggest us to learn in the future.

For example, even though we might be an excellent writer, maybe we could gather better knowledge involving reasoning and logic, coordination, visual ability, visualization, or even interpersonal skills.

Taking this test will benefit everyone, of course, if they have the needed courage to get ready for the final results.

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