Home Consciousness Today is October 10th: The Deeper Meaning Behind Angel Number 1010

Today is October 10th: The Deeper Meaning Behind Angel Number 1010

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

Because today is October 10th, it’d be feasible for us to understand the spiritual significance of this number.

It could get interesting, for we have forever held on to the idea that numbers are just that—numbers. However, numbers also possess their own vibrations, making them a conduit for change.

We know that the Universe communicates with us. They tell us all about the signs that would be of use. But they can’t communicate directly, can they?

Therefore, they transmit numbers, which a select few humans on Earth interpret as a sign from the Universe to initiate new creations. Otherwise, how could the Pyramids have been built?

The number 10 is all about making a big change in your lifestyle. Perhaps it’s more appropriate to describe it as a leap rather than a change. You take a leap in every level of your life and hope that you find solid footing.

See, we all come to this life with a journey in mind. Our soul plans it for us, and we know what we have to do. But sometimes we might get derailed or taken off the sidewalk.

And while that is perfectly normal, it doesn’t really help us. It isn’t the jobs we do or even the place we live that make up our journey. It is the very day that we spend.

If we start each day with a positive vibe, we are following the road charted before us. Otherwise, we are just messing up. Yet, sometimes bad things do happen, don’t they?

The trick is to shift your consciousness to such an extent that you simply see the opportunities coming behind the dark cloud. And the day 10/10 is all about realizing how to get to that level of consciousness.

It is about the insight that will tell you where to go, what to do, and what to let go of.

All of us have experienced hurt in our lives. The trick, however, is to forgive. You can’t hold onto a grudge all your life simply because you don’t want to move on. It all depends on how you see life and experience its extremes.

You must understand that forgiveness is the first step towards growth. You can help yourself by forgiving others.

Here, forgiving has a different meaning. It isn’t about supporting the mistakes or the crimes someone else did, but rather erasing the anger and the negativity you feel for that person.

Let’s just say that the very process of forgiving is cathartic. It cleanses your own self, which is something we all need in order to develop as humans in this world.

On this day, however, you can try to uplift and forgive yourself by writing a letter to yourself that forgives you for all the anger you have in you.

Next, include every single person you are angry toward. In the end, you will find true peace, as your soul gets unblemished by any vitriol.

You don’t really have to send that letter to someone, as it is for your eyes only. This is simply to nudge you in the right direction. And nothing else. As your soul clears up, use the power of 10/10 to get what you truly seek.




This is what 10/10 is all about. As you think and imagine, what you wish for manifests into reality. A new chapter begins in your life, and you will be extremely grateful for what it brings.

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