Home Consciousness The Gemini New Moon Will Be A Smooth Sail For These 4 Zodiac Signs

The Gemini New Moon Will Be A Smooth Sail For These 4 Zodiac Signs

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

Now that eclipse season has passed, the New Moon in May 2022 is going to be the calm period after a violent storm. This will be the first major lunar event after the eclipse season and it will take place in Gemini.

As such, the airy sign is offering charm and quick wit to everyone. However, for the following 4 signs, this period is going to be more suited for taking a break instead of going along with Gemini’s breakneck speed.

So, here are the 4 signs that will be the least influenced by the approaching New Moon:


Things may take on a metaphysical meaning as the lunation will be encouraging you to read books as much as possible. The focus for this period is going to be theorizing and intellectual expansions.

Furthermore, the naturally curious Gemini energy is extremely suitable for channeling your most philosophical version. If you have been thinking about getting some degree, license, or certificate, this will be the time to begin the process.

However, books may not be the only source of knowledge as you can also plan the next major adventure. The purpose will be served by experiencing some culture shock, so take a trip to somewhere that you have never been to!


The routine and wellness sector is getting a lift from the May New Moon. So, it will be ideal to take things slow and be extra attentive to your health. Instead of taking initiative or jumping on big things in new projects, it may be more productive if you spend the time recharging.

The past few weeks have been a non-stop charge so take this lunation as an invitation to sit back and relax. You can also incorporate new meditation practices, personal mantras, or workout routines to help with your daily mindfulness practice. Assess your responsibilities and remember that it’s fine to erect boundaries if it helps you avoid burnout.


The New Moon in May is filled to the brim with passion but it will also be a chance to go on a creative break. It is especially important now after enduring a particularly stifling transit and the blockages it has placed. The planet ruling over karma and discipline Saturn is currently in your sign, so the focus is on tough love. It may seem crushing but the lunation will let you embark on a new stage filled with creativity and happiness.

Use the inquisitive vibe of Gemini to explore the passion projects and creative ventures that were never put into practice. Embrace new chances for expressing yourself creatively to break the Saturnian slump.


The New Moon is residing in your home and family sector, so expect to feel particularly nostalgic. However, the free-flowing Gemini nature is relatable for you. Thus, it will be a perfect time for applying the tendencies that are mutable.

You might be facing issues regarding disagreements with roommates or living conditions. Since Mercury retrograde is also taking place right now, try to focus the disagreements on finding answers. Do your best to not take things personally.

Furthermore, since the May New Moon is in Pisces’ astrological house governing home, you can stay inside and self-reflect a bit. It might be helpful in getting rid of the melancholic funk and looking toward the future. This will also be an ideal period for journaling and deep healing work so that you feel more secure in relationships.

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