Home Consciousness Tonight’s Full Buck Moon in Capricorn Is a Second Chance to Accept Your Shadow Self

Tonight’s Full Buck Moon in Capricorn Is a Second Chance to Accept Your Shadow Self

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

Prepare yourself for significant changes on the horizon.

The solar season of Cancer is governed by the moon, and this year, it started and will end with a powerful lunar tone. These celestial events are quite remarkable: two consecutive full moons in Capricorn, with the second one occurring tonight, July 21, coinciding with the final day of Cancer season. July’s full moon, also known as the Buck Moon, is illuminating the skies in Capricorn. This celestial event presents a valuable chance for all zodiac signs to further develop their summer goals. Understanding the significance of each full moon is essential for harnessing its energy and maximizing its potential. July’s full moon holds a special spiritual meaning that should not be overlooked.

Recall the events at the end of June. Did you experience any burdensome feelings during that time? Did you experience any uncertainties or a feeling of uneasiness? Have you neglected any responsibilities that may require your attention?

You will now resurface with the lingering weight you may have felt towards the end of June, ready for resolution. There is a significant event on the horizon, marking the conclusion of the story you have been diligently crafting.

Endings can be challenging, yet they have the potential to provide valuable insights and a deeper understanding. When something reaches its conclusion, there is usually no further debate, only a sense that the chapter has come to a close. Embracing the conclusion allows us to gracefully transition into the promising start that lies ahead. Undoubtedly, it’s never that simple.

Capricorn Full Moon: Déjà Vu

During the second Capricorn Full Moon, it appears that a sense of weight is lifted from our shoulders. It seems that we may have successfully navigated through a tough or demanding situation, and now we sense that we have emerged on the other side. It seems that we have experienced some challenging cosmic influences, but now we can finally find some relief.

The Capricorn Full Moon in June brought about a period of intense effort and valuable life lessons. However, it appears that this chapter is coming to a close, bringing a sense of tranquility and possibly even a feeling of triumph. We have successfully conquered our challenge, reaching the pinnacle of our journey. The grand panorama unfolds before us, evoking a profound sense of completeness and satisfaction.

It appears that we may need to be patient and wait for the July Full Moon to reveal its blessings, but it seems that the Universe is generously bestowing some well-deserved rewards upon us.

The Capricorn Full Moon & Eris

During this July Full Moon, Eris, the warrior Goddess, is making her presence known, suggesting the potential for intense emotions or a call to assert ourselves. Eris is often seen as a companion to Mars, sharing its passionate nature and ability to stir up emotions. However, Eris also has a unique focus on restoring balance and finding harmony.

Eris is often regarded as the Goddess of Discord and Strife, but it is important to understand that she does not cause strife for mere amusement. She carefully analyzes and uncovers any underlying issues. She possesses the ability to identify hidden sources of conflict and possesses the power to bring them to light, enabling us to address and resolve the situation definitively.

Eris and our Capricorn Moon both embrace the challenges that come their way, so we might find ourselves compelled to confront everything that arises within us. In order to achieve a satisfactory resolution, it is imperative that we address all aspects of the situation.

Embrace the Wisdom of the Sea Goat as Our Guide Through the Full Moon

Capricorn is symbolized by the Sea Goat, a legendary creature that combines the characteristics of a goat and a fish. The Sea Goat possesses a distinct nature that sets it apart from other creatures. However, by embracing its individuality and harnessing its unique form’s potential, it becomes capable of unlocking its inherent talents.

When the Capricorn learns to excel in both terrestrial and aquatic realms and embraces its innate abilities, it achieves true success. That is when the Sea Goat can discover the enchantment of both the mountains and the sea. That is when the Sea Goat can truly stand out from the rest.

Embracing the symbolism of the Sea Goat during this Full Moon can provide valuable insights. How can we fully embrace our individuality and navigate through life’s challenges with confidence and determination? How can we gain mastery over our lives and unlock the hidden wonders that await us?

The Capricorn will guide us throughout this endeavor until the December Solstice, but it is best to commence under the July Full Moon. Now is the opportune moment to commence your endeavors during this last Capricorn Full Moon of the year.

A New Beginning is Coming

The alignment of the Universe has bestowed upon us the fortunate occurrence of two Full Moons in Capricorn. Full Moons often prompt us to let go of things that no longer serve us, while Capricorn has a tendency to bring forth weighty matters. Maybe the Universe is granting us the opportunity to release everything that weighs us down. Maybe it’s indicating that we should release our burdens and declare that enough is enough. There is no longer a need for us to carry them.

The Capricorn Full Moon has the power to evoke a sense of heaviness and responsibility, but it also presents an opportunity for release. We should consider accepting this release. We should embrace the opportunity to release everything.

In addition, the Full Moon is closely linked to Pluto, which is associated with profound transformations and cycles of life and death. Pluto is positioned just a few degrees from this Full Moon, currently residing in Aquarius. This type of conjunction is commonly referred to as an out-of-sign conjunction.

Pluto’s presence hints at the potential for a fresh start emerging from difficult times, though it may feel just beyond our grasp. Maybe we’ll just have to wait and see what exciting new opportunities lie ahead.

Release yourself from the burdens that weigh you down. Recognize that you are worthy of a more manageable burden.

And remember, a new beginning is just around the corner.

Happy Full Moon!!!

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