Home Consciousness The Purpose Of Our Soul And Life On Earth: It’s Time To Start Listening To It!

The Purpose Of Our Soul And Life On Earth: It’s Time To Start Listening To It!

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

Every soul knows why it came to Earth!

It’s also very important to understand that the soul is aware of the time it spends here. When people awaken, they become aware of their eternal soul, and that eternal part of their being is exactly what sets them in motion, inspiring them to achieve whatever they set as a goal in this life.

Even though the soul is eternal, life on Earth, unfortunately, has an expiration date, so our soul tends to improve and grow as much as possible in every life.

During one of my work periods, I realized how important it is to be aware of your inner voice, to be consistent when it comes to our sincerity towards ourselves, to be faithful to our soul, and to our desire to attain our goals.

At one stage of my work, I met a large number of clients who were in their fifties or late fifties, and what they all had in common was not their age but the feeling that life was slipping through their fingers.

They came looking for something more. These men were desperate to find out if there was something more to life—to themselves and to their visions of what more life could offer.

It was amazing to see how almost all of them asked the same questions and expected similar answers: ‘Where am I in life?’, ‘Am I on the right path?’ ‘What is my purpose?’, ‘Is it possible that there is something more to life?’.

But one question prevailed: Who am I really?

When we release the weight of our habits and customs that we have inherited from our parents and ancestors, we free up space for something new. This creates room for new possibilities. Every soul on earth desires to participate in the creation of these changes.

However, many people are busy and cannot reach their true selves, which would allow them to follow their inner guidance. Only when we dare to relax and let go of those unnecessary and unfulfilling habits that keep us “occupied” while fulfilling our “obligations” to everyone else will we be able to access our inner voice. As long as we get into situations in which our inner voice suffers in silence, we won’t be able to access it.

One of the most overwhelming needs of the Soul, which lives in us all, is to hear that silent voice that simply knows. Our Soul isn’t ignorant or intrusive, but it often comes up and wants to draw our attention to the essence of our existence. It reminds us that our natural state doesn’t include eating junk food, consuming alcohol and drugs, and spending hours and hours in front of the TV. As long as the Soul feels smothered, it won’t be able to fulfill its mission.

The soul suffers when we let our bad habits put us in boxes and frames, when instead it could be spreading its vibration and sharing its light.

While my clients and I were combing through their lives and trying to find the right path that led to their Soul, many were going through great and small changes. I recall a woman who consistently arrived late to our workshops, arriving only after we had initiated group hypnosis. One day, she came first.

‘I realized that when I leave my job on time to be able to come to my workshop, it means that I’m listening to myself, and I love my soul,’ she smiled as she settled down in her comfortable chair.

At one point, I realized why people in their fifties came in such large numbers: If they could change their lives, make a place for their souls and true needs, and begin to live their purpose, then it is good to know that it is never too late. It’s always a good time to start.

A gentleman in his late seventies exemplified Never-Too-Late-Philosophy to perfection. He spent all his life in the role of a skeptical intellectual who taught at the Faculty of Science. But when his mother died (and left this world in a very subtle way), he had an encounter with her guide and realized that his time was coming soon as well.

He began to explore himself, and when he came to me, he already knew that there was more than just a group of neurons that transmitted impulses… We looked for his soul; it was waiting patiently for him. It was amazing to see the encounter, the wisdom, and the change of lifestyle. The gentleman continues to live, but now he extends his travels, seeks out ‘spiritual’ locations, embraces life, and experiences a sense of rebirth.

So, how do you set yourself free? It is important to explore all the habits that make up our everyday lives and don’t serve us.

It’s beneficial to awaken all negative beliefs, which have never been ours and have been imposed upon us. Once we eliminate these unnecessary beliefs, which keep us ensnared in energy shields that merely maintain the status quo, without change, without asking questions, and without innovation, we, as humans, cease to speak.

Each of us, every soul, brought an abundance of light, beauty, love, and endless possibilities by coming to this planet. Every soul, upon entering the womb, has brought into her body vibrations expressing pure awareness of light and love. Every soul brings a rich repertoire of experiences from many lives and knowledge from many dimensions, unlike anything we have seen on Earth.

While we were children, many of us were “silenced” and thought we should keep our voices down and listen to others. They filled us with other people’s voices, desires, and conditions.

But now that we are all grown up, it’s our right and obligation to ourselves to listen to and follow our inner voice, our soul. The soul knows how, why, where, and when… We just need to let go and make room for that ancient light of consciousness called our Soul.

If our work has made a positive impact on your life, we kindly ask for your support so we can continue our work. Thank you!

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