by Conscious Reminder Before I even start, please forget about all the Hollywood crap that we have been served for years about Psychic People. Bad movies have distorted the real picture …
By Conscious Reminder May brings forward an eclipse and the Mercury retrograde but it also offers romantic blessings. Venus, who is the goddess of love and money, enters Aries and …
No One We Meet Is There By Accident – 5 Types Of Cosmic Connections
By Conscious Reminder Do you believe in coincidences? In my humble opinion, everything we go through has its purpose; everything happens for a reason, every person we meet, every event …
Solutions Vs. Soulutions: Greatest Growth Comes From Pain
by Conscious Reminder We, obviously, know what solutions are, but have you heard about soulutions before? We, humans, are obsessed with finding solutions. We think that we are incapable of …
by Conscious Reminder The energies of May 2022 are extremely heavy and thick as the Universe is brimming with energetic influences. You might have to take extra steps to manage …
by Conscious Reminder Most of us love pets. If you have pets, you would know what a wonderful experience it can be to have a furry friend. They just bring …
by Conscious Reminder You might have heard of the term “Kundalini” in popular culture in the last year or two. It has become quite famous or infamous owing to certain …
Today’s Taurus New Moon Solar Eclipse Is Turning Dreams Into Reality
by Conscious Reminder The Taurus New Moon Solar Eclipse is currently redirecting attention to physical aspects and is resetting everything. This New Moon Solar Eclipse is the next phase in …
Have You Been Dealing With A Lot Of Negative Energy? Keep These 7 Things In Mind
by Conscious Reminder In this day and age negativity is more prevalent than at any other time throughout history. Our children are subjected to it at the schools we send …
Empaths Are Quietly Suffering From ‘Compassion Fatigue’ And It Can Be Very Dangerous, Say Psychologists
by Conscious Reminder If we don’t have the ability to notice compassion fatigue as soon as it appears, it may cause us secondhand trauma. It can even turn into a burnout …