Home Consciousness Today’s Taurus New Moon Solar Eclipse Is Turning Dreams Into Reality

Today’s Taurus New Moon Solar Eclipse Is Turning Dreams Into Reality

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

The Taurus New Moon Solar Eclipse is currently redirecting attention to physical aspects and is resetting everything.

This New Moon Solar Eclipse is the next phase in moving from the theoretical to the tangible. This will be the first eclipse of this year which continues themes of resources that came up at last November’s Taurus Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, which skyrocketed this cycle.

The Gemini or Sagittarius eclipses of the last 2 years showed you the impact of words by revisiting and rewriting beliefs, thought patterns, and communication channels.

Now all you have to do is abandon the theories and move to reexamining and reevaluating the material world, which would be heavy on your monetary possessions.

The Intensity Of The Taurus New Moon Will Be Extreme

The Taurus New Moon is going to be extremely intense.

One, because of its nature as an eclipse, which dims the light partially and triggers primal reactions to this eerie spectacle. Once the light returns back to its original form, the situations change entirely. All those situations get reset and sometimes even upgraded.

You should know that as you are heading towards this Eclipse, choices lead to eliminations. The things that you take care of and nurture will rule out other possibilities and will affect other situations in your life, changing them permanently.

The second one is for intensity. Most of the planetary population is in Pisces and Taurus and the energy in the sky becomes concentrated as all the planets are huddled on one side.  Whatever you push now, will have extreme focus and practicality, with a window for something bigger.

Taurus is fixed, bullheadedly. It exists in the present moment and experiences life through the six senses. It prefers to be told what to do and does not like to hurry things.

The only difference here is that it behaves more gently now. It gets softened by Pisces which is blended with values due to Venus, actions due to Mars, and optimism due to Jupiter.

The softening is extreme as the 2022 Taurus New Moon’s ruler is in the mix. Jupiter and Venus are influences of indulgence which encourages immersions without restraint. They supersize the awareness of others, blur boundaries, and test the limits of the most conscious empaths.

Venus and Jupiter aim for an intense experience. The wants that are unconscious will stir up and might wander into the realm of obsession and compulsion. You need to recognize these deep urges as it lays the groundwork for huge opportunities when Jupiter’s sextile to Pluto becomes precise on May 3.

This becomes the perfect time to summon your inner Taurus and claim some wonders for yourself. You need to dream big, ridiculously as if you were wishing upon a star.

Another reason for the intensity is that both the cosmic agents are working and ensuring that new phases do not get stuck in Taurean languidness.

Uranus is also conjunct to the 2022 Taurus New Moon. The planet will zap your hold on physical items and inject unexpected freeing forces.

This also ushers in the next phase of last year’s storyline. Try to think back to your previous year’s ongoing system testing. 

 The time is here to move ahead on it and you need to harness the process and steer situations in your life, but a lot will happen without your conscious intervention.

Profound messages will pour in as the 2022 Taurus New Moon is at the degree Uranus occupied at its final exact square from Saturn last December. 

Some will be uttered while others will come from external sources and reshape your thought process.

Communication should be reflected upon and you need to identify the threats and diseases and make some space for the growth that will come off the 2022 Taurus New Moon.

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