by Conscious Reminder Your body is a temple. It does not define your essence and all that you are but allows your essence to manifest and communicate with the world. …
by Conscious Reminder Nowadays, astrology is very popular, but there are a lot of people who misunderstand it in a number of different ways. Just like anything else interesting or …
by Conscious Reminder Chakras are estimated to be the energy centers of your body. Each has its own purpose and plays an important function in your well-being. The main purpose …
How To Tell If You Been Gifted With Clairvoyance? Signs You Need To Look For
by Conscious Reminder If you are reading this right now, it is probably because certain things have been happening to you lately that are making you wonder if coincidences are …
by Conscious Reminder Life jumps on us when least expected. It might be just a usual day when everything is going fine when suddenly a wave of stress and anxiety …
by Conscious Reminder Guardian angels are always there for you. They would help you out in most situations where all doors seem to close and would walk by you as …
by Conscious Reminder Have you heard of the MBTI (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator) test? If not, then the test is among the most common indicators that are used to assign personality …
by Conscious Reminder Americans are getting ready for Thanksgiving and several interesting astrological energies are going around. Mercury will swing into Sagittarius on the 24th of November and has made …
by Ainsley Lawrence, Contributing Author, Conscious Reminder Image Source: Unsplash The world seems to be moving faster than ever. People are working longer hours (or working from home and having a …
Sagittarius Season Horoscopes: What’s Written In The Stars For The End Of The Year
by Conscious Reminder Get strapped in as life will really pick up the pace. On 21st November, the Sun will be entering fiery Sagittarius. This month will be the time …