Numbers are really interesting. The whole world, even the universe, would not exist without them. Everything is based on numbers, and mathematics. Our entire civilization wouldn’t even be as it …
Besides the many difficulties and struggles we have to deal with, life can be beautiful. But, it depends on our focus. When you have a beautiful life, you feel filled …
by Conscious Reminder To follow dreams or not – that is the question. You probably heard someone say there’s nothing like a dream job, just a dream pay. But others …
The Hunter’s Full Moon On October 24th Brings Turbulent & Unpredictable Energies
by Conscious Reminder Wherever we go, there is this belief about the phases of the moon, that the full moon has an overall intensifying effect on our lives and the …
by Conscious Reminder Animals are lovely. They can be your best friends. If you have a pet, you know how wonderful they can be. They are family. Yet in many …
Maine Coons are the largest domesticated breed of cats worldwide. They are something between a cat and a lynx and they’re truly beautiful. Photographer Robert Sijka, also a cat lover, …
BBC Documentary: Jesus Was A Buddhist Monk Named Issa Who Spent 16+ Years In India & Tibet
The life story of the most famous person who has ever lived is, in fact, filled with a mysterious gaping hole. From the age of 13 to 29, there is …
The psychologist Carl Jung had once given the concept of synchronicity. Synchronicity is the idea that sometimes, in unconscious ways the Universe manages to communicate with you through indirect signs. …
The Taurus Full Moon Will Give These 3 Zodiac Signs Quite The Rough Time
by Conscious Reminder Full moons are always wonderful for astrology enthusiasts. They are regular bursts of energy that boost the signs they fall in, along with affecting the emotional half …
Sun In Scorpio, Full Moon In Taurus October 23rd/24th: The Energies Are Intensifying
via Cafe Astrology Sun is in Scorpio from October 23-November 22, 2018. The guiding principle of Scorpio is “I desire”. Scorpio is the sign of depth, intimacy, and extremes of feeling. Superficiality simply will …