by Conscious Reminder Kundalini Awakening has its own pros and cons. While it gives us a lot of power and strength, be it mental, or physical, the downsides that come …
Is Death Really Something to Fear? Here is a story of Tom Kennard, a 60-year old intensive care patient who went on a life-changing journey during a 3 hour stretch …
by Conscious Reminder Sounds insane, but it is true. Do not take only our word for it, because this stuff has been shown by a study conducted in the University …
By Nixie Vale| Magical Recipes Online Through our Times as a magical magazine we’ve put much effort on shedding light on Eclipse Magic. This is one of the most Magical Times of …
The month of July will bring in new and interesting possibilities in our life, due to the motions of the extra terrestrial bodies around earth, that would affect our lives, …
A message from Emmanuel Dagher We are currently moving through a highly active energy cycle. During highly active energy cycles, there’s often a great deal of electricity in the air, which …
July Is An Energy-Packed Moth Bringing A Powerful Shift In Consciousness: Time To Leave The Comfort Zone
by Conscious Reminder This month is astrology a number of celestial forces will be active and running. The overview will be described in chronological order of the events. The first …
by Faith M. Davis Contributing Author, Conscious Reminder Did you buy a new crystal and you were super excited to put it to work, but it doesn’t seem to be …
By Paul Buchheit While Edward Snowden and Chelsea Manning and John Kiriakou are vilified for revealing vital information about spying and bombing and torture, a man who conspired with Goldman Sachs to make billions of …
In one way or another, everyone lies. Most people are incredibly bad liars and others have excellent poker faces, but there’s always a way to tell. When it comes to …