There was a girl in some of my middle school classes that hated, I mean HATED, the sound of people chewing. Within just a few weeks of class together, I …
by Conscious Reminder The Fistarians, are part of the Lyran Star System which is a water world. In this water world there is a race of mermaid people. They live in …
Seeing 12:34 Is Not A Random Event: The Powerful Sequence Is Carrying These 3 Important Messages For You
by Conscious Reminder Seeing particular numbers often in your surroundings is often mistaken for coincidence. However it almost always has a hidden meaning behind it. For instance, if you see …
Is There A Chance You’ve Met A Past Life Lover?
by Conscious Reminder The philosophy of reincarnation is widespread in most cultures, and it is believed that souls reincarnate again in different forms and return to Earth. All of us have …
Celebrate Today’s Powerful Summer Solstice: The Meaning & Spiritual Significance Behind The Longest Day Of The Year
For those of us living in the Northern Hemisphere, the Summer Solstice is a time of celebration, of honoring the light, our connection to the Sun and the Earth. Every culture …
by Conscious Reminder Darkness, or our “shadow,” encompasses the parts of us we don’t want to see: the painful, sticky, murky stuff; shame; wounds; and disowned pieces. Understandably, our instinct is …
We all know that relationships go beyond the physical and are also spiritual in nature. However not many of us are aware that there are also certain connections which our …
by Conscious Reminder Like every other thing in life that is significant and important, even true love comes with a few problems of its own. First of all, the absence of …
by Conscious Reminder The crown chakra, more commonly known in Sanskrit as the Shahastra, is the seventh and final chakra of the body’s chakras or energy centers. It depicts the highest …
Buckle Up! It’s Going To Be A Crazy Summer With 6 Planets Going Retrograde
by Conscious Reminder The planets within our solar system are in a constant motion as they revolve around our Sun. When we gaze into the night sky, our planets move …