by Conscious Reminder A narcissistic person is the one that has extreme senses of entitlement and blames other people for the problem he or she has, manipulates others, and is not …
6 Signs That You’ve Experienced Astral Projection
by Conscious Reminder OBE or out-of-body experience is actually the second name for astral projection. Just like the name itself implies, this kind of projection is actually a phenomenon in …
Are Our Relationships Carriers Of The Spiritual Lessons That We Need To Learn
by Conscious Reminder Relationships don’t always have to be based on romance. It doesn’t even have to be one-on-one. There are many relationships that come in our way – with …
by Inga Nielsen Contributing Author, Conscious Reminder We can define channeling simply as relaying messages from Spirit — be it God, our Higher Self, Spirit Guides, high beings, or ancestors. Can …
by Conscious Reminder According to John Bradshaw, author of “Home Coming: Reclaiming and Championing Your Inner Child,” the process of healing your wounded inner child is one of grief. And …
by Conscious Reminder There are a lot of people who are divinely talented and gifted. A lot of them possess a huge heart which is able to uplift even the …
If You Are a Woman with These 5 Personality Traits, You Know How to Be Truly Happy
by Conscious Reminder There are a lot of women in the world who have already discovered the secrets to real happiness. Up until recently, psychologists believed that there were only two …
The Relationship-Sabotaging Behavior You’re Probably Holding On To
by Conscious Reminder Relationships are hard because they are basically compromises. It is extremely hard to change yourself for someone else and sometimes you might feel that you are the …
by Conscious Reminder Now take a deep breath and pay attention to how the fresh air, full of oxygen produced by the trees, fills your lungs. You can’t see air, but it’s always there. …
by Meggie Royer The morning after I killed myself, I woke up. I made myself breakfast in bed. I added salt and pepper to my eggs and used my toast for …