by Openhand The underlying field is shifting in intensity now. You can see it reflected in the craziness at large in the world, with (some) leaders are challenged by events …
Truth & Mystery
Does The Law Of Attraction Work? Exposing The Truths And Lies Of This Universal Law
by Pao Chang | Energy Fanatics Many Law of Attraction enthusiasts believe that the Law of Attraction can help them manifest their desires with little physical effort. Could manifesting desires …
Every major world religion has some kind of myth surrounding reincarnation, or rebirth. Some of the oldest religions like Hinduism and Buddhism of course have a far richer tradition of …
by Conscious Reminder In our lives, we have come across several events that we merely refer to as coincidences, even though we have no idea if they are coincidences or …
by Michelle Walling, CHLC 3D has completely merged with the 4D frequency. New levels of psychic abilities are activating and the veils are almost completely down. If you haven’t already, you …
Let’s start with a quote from Stephen King: “When I’m reading, I will not stop on page 94, page 193, page 382 at all. The digits of these numbers add …
by Conscious Reminder There are some things that the government and NASA hide from us, for reasons yet to be known. The video inserted below will tell you about the …
by Conscious Reminder Vega Starseed is an alien species that originates from the brightest star system of the constellation Lyra, Vega. Also known as Vegans, they were originated from Lyra …
Near-Death Experiences: What’s Going On In The Brain Before Death Arrives
by Conscious Reminder It has been studied for a long time that moments just before the death involves the heart to stop beating ceasing blood flow which causes the body …
by Conscious Reminder The concept, theory and practice of astral projection dates back to ancient times. Historically, the practice of astral travel and projection was limited to society’s elite or …