by Conscious Reminder Before Hermione Granger, nobody thought that witches could be cool, or for that matter good. That particular word always had some very negative connotations. Since then, some things …
Truth & Mystery
by Conscious Reminder Many Christians around the world think of the Holy Bible as the ultimate source of the knowledge of the world and the origin of mankind. It is …
Humans have long been obsessed with the possibility of alternate universes, and a way to instantaneously travel between this one and the next. This concept was popularized by the science-fiction …
by Conscious Reminder Many people think of smudging as just another in the long line of the paraphernalia associated with the occult. Burning sage, candles and the rest is a …
by Conscious Reminder Human beings have a natural urge to see everything that there is to see in this life and do something unique that will last well after they are …
Since the dawn of time, Wise People have been sought out for their council. For their innate ability to anticipate the rise of many, sometimes contradictory, probabilities in our reality, …
Yes, Having The Akashic Records And Your Psychic Powers In The Palm Of Your Hand Is Possible!
by Conscious Reminder Throughout our lives, starting from childhood, high school, graduation, jobs, and relationships, all of these events ask us to make decisions. These events are crucial aspects of our …
Incarnated angels are spirits of angelic realm, born to aid humans in their mortal experiences. They live for a very short span of time and rarely marry. Their life is …
Energy shift or ascension as they call it, is basically an increase in the awareness level and vibration energy which creates an obvious shift in the level of consciousness one …
by Conscious Reminder Nature is intimately linked to our lives. Be it animals or plants, they surround our lives and influence us in positive ways. Nature is always by our side, …