by Ainsley Lawrence, Contributing Author, Conscious Reminder There’s no doubt that living within a society where governments and people prioritize corporations over the planet is a negative experience. Knowing many businesses are …
by Conscious Reminder Jupiter will be in a position for retrograde on the 28th of July, 2022, at 8 degrees of Aries. This is commonly referred to as the crystal …
Everyone’s IQ Is Dropping Around The World And Scientists Can’t Figure Out Why
We are living in an age where access to knowledge and facts is at our fingertips. We can use our phones and computers to educate us–but there’s something wrong. Instead …
by Conscious Reminder The 2022 New Moon in Leo is going to be a flaming accelerant for the inner spark, and you will have a hard time hiding it. There’s …
by Conscious Reminder August starts with the Northern Lunar Node, Mars, and Uranus in alignment. That is tremendous energy by itself, which can make us feel unstable or unsettled. The …
by Conscious Reminder The Leo Season has just begun, and this means the stages are set for a dazzling performance by the luminaries. Taking place on July 28th, the upcoming …
by Conscious Reminder The July 28th New Moon in Leo is among the most pleasant New Moons in quite a while. The lunation embodies vibrations of creativity, joy, and abundance. …
by Conscious Reminder The loveliest lunation is coming up and bears some blessings that can make your wildest dreams come true. The July 2022 New Moon will be making some …
by Conscious Reminder When it comes to women, what makes them strong and attractive, is their energy. Unfortunately, there are many things that can potentially kill a woman’s energy and dim …
by Conscious Reminder Every summer during July 22/23, the watery Cancer season ends as the glitzy and glamorous Leo season begins. If your birthday is somewhere around this mid-summer time, …