by Conscious Reminder We are humans and hence part of the society we live in. It is therefore inevitable for us to interact with other people. However, what many may …
by Conscious Reminder The link between Twin Flames is often so powerful that it throws the energy of their spirits into chaos. Strife follows them every time they are together. …
by Conscious Reminder Pluto moves quite slowly and only travels through a few degrees of the zodiac every year. This slow movement means that this planet gets the time required …
by Conscious Reminder The spirit animal raven comes into our lives when we seek guidance from our higher powers. In fact, it is a symbol of wisdom, mystery, creativity, and intellect. …
The Four Mercury Retrogrades Of 2022, Next One Is Just Around The Corner
by Conscious Reminder It is the new year and there is a new cycle of Mercury retrogrades that needs to be passed through. The retrograde in 2021 was quite chaotic …
7 Main Points That Will Help You Tell The Difference Between Spirituality And Religion
by Conscious Reminder Spirituality is more than some fixation on the mysterious and unexplainable like most people believe it to be. Some people even give spirituality the name of a …
by Conscious Reminder Feng Shui is not only good for our homes, but it is even good for our bodies. Every part of our home or offices is related to different …
by Conscious Reminder Finding our twin flames is one of the greatest desires of our lives. However, even after finding it, there can be some difficult obstacles. These obstacles are …
by Conscious Reminder Women and the Moon have a special connection and the reason behind is the most intimate thing that makes us women, and that’s our menstrual cycles. The …
by Conscious Reminder The Libra Full Moon brings forward turning points all over as your relationships are under review and reworking under this Full Moon. You should not fear the …