by Conscious Reminder Mercury Retrograde is a time of chaos as our communication system, technology, time, and thought process glitches. It’s hard on our personal relationships, but it is even …
3 Zodiacs That Need To Watch Their Step During This Full Moon Eclipse In Capricorn
by Conscious Reminder This entire year has been filled with Cosmic activities. The June Full Moon Eclipse and the June New Moon Eclipse happened already. Now, we need to get …
Capricorn Full Moon & Lunar Eclipse July 4th/5th: Peace, Harmony & Happiness
by Conscious Reminder On 5th July, we are scheduled to experience the power of a Lunar Eclipse. July 5th marks the day when we witness the Capricorn Full Moon. However, …
by Conscious Reminder In astrological circles, the first week of July is always considered to be important for all of humanity. This is usually the period when we can expand …
by Conscious Reminder We are all well aware of what the divine feminine is and how vital it is to the functioning of all creation. Now, we bring you the …
Thunder Full Moon Lunar Eclipse On July 5th. Are We In For The Biggest Energy Shift Of 2020?
by Conscious Reminder We are now set to witness the third and final Eclipse of the second Eclipse season of the year and also of the Cancer/Capricorn axis. The Full …
by Conscious Reminder 2020 has been a whirlwind of change. Don’t worry if you can’t wrap your mind around it. The change and transformation that’s taking place are bigger than …
by Conscious Reminder I want you to stop the chaos and infinite movement in your life for a moment, and take a deep breath. As you are inhaling, let your …
This 13-Year-Old With 4 Associate’s Degrees Becomes Youngest Fullerton College Graduate
by Conscious Reminder A 13-year-old has just done what seems impossible to many of us. Amidst the raging pandemic, Jack Rico just became the youngest person to graduate from Fullerton …
July Horoscopes: Powerful Cosmic Movements Will Affect All Zodiac Signs
by Conscious Reminder As we come to an end with June, we need to ready ourselves for the powerhouse of energies that July will be. We are in for a …