by Conscious Reminder The Sun leaves the sign of Capricorn and enters Aquarius on the 20th of January. This will mark the beginning of the Aquarius season. All the heavy Capricorn …
by Conscious Reminder Weekends are important to us because they give us the much-needed rest. But this weekend is important for another reason. What is it? This is because of the …
by Bipin Baloni, Contributing Author, Conscious Reminder We are sure there is not one person who hasn’t heard of Surya Namaskar or the Sun Salutation sequence. It is a sequence of …
by Conscious Reminder We fall in love multiple times in our life. But nothing feels similar or even close to the love we feel when we are with our perfect match. …
by Ryan Pell Contributing Author, Conscious Reminder Are you still thinking about starting yoga classes? The time is now! Yoga, among many benefits, helps self-improvement and personal development, which are …
You Grew to Be a Strong Woman Because You Were Raised by a Strong Mother
by Conscious Reminder How we are nurtured affects our behavior. Most of us have lived with our mom and dad for a major part of our childhood. So, their behavior and …
by Conscious Reminder 2020 has come with good news! The retrograde Uranus is finally going direct! We all know how difficult it becomes to deal with a period of retrograde. …
by Justin Osborne Contributing Author, Conscious Reminder You’re probably wondering what biological rhythms are. This of them as the natural cycles that your bodily functions and hormones go through. Your …
The Rare Saturn-Pluto Conjunction Happening Today Will Dismantle Your Outdated Patterns
by Conscious Reminder 2020 is going to be a momentous year for all of us, as Jupiter presents itself in Capricorn from December 2019 to the whole of this year. …
by Conscious Reminder While wild animals are generally considered to be irrational and devoid of emotion, that is not always the case. Animals do show their affection towards other animals …