Usually, when we hear or talk about spirits, it’s always in a negative sense, where spirits are said to be wicked creatures, that want nothing more than death and destruction. …
Mars Is About To Be The Closest To Earth In Ten Years And Here’s How To Witness The Magnificent Sight
by Conscious Reminder If you are someone who is interested in the movement of stars and planets, or even if you are someone who just likes to look at the …
There’s No Stopping Gaia Now…The 5D Shift Moves Through The Gears
by Openhand The underlying field is shifting in intensity now. You can see it reflected in the craziness at large in the world, with (some) leaders are challenged by events …
by Daniel Scranton “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. Sensitivity is a gift. It is not an affliction. It is not something …
Does The Law Of Attraction Work? Exposing The Truths And Lies Of This Universal Law
by Pao Chang | Energy Fanatics Many Law of Attraction enthusiasts believe that the Law of Attraction can help them manifest their desires with little physical effort. Could manifesting desires …
Every major world religion has some kind of myth surrounding reincarnation, or rebirth. Some of the oldest religions like Hinduism and Buddhism of course have a far richer tradition of …
by Conscious Reminder The things that make life worth living come with steep price tags too most of the time. Love is not an exception in this case. It is …
If you are going to love, you better mean it. Tell it the person you love. Look them straight in the eyes. Kiss them passionately. Don’t worry about what you …
Mercury Goes Retrograde In Leo On July 26th And It’s Going To Cause A Lot Of Commotion
by Conscious Reminder People have always put special emphasis on Astrology, owing to the planetary bodies affecting the Earth and its population in more ways than one. All the planets, …
by Conscious Reminder In our lives, we have come across several events that we merely refer to as coincidences, even though we have no idea if they are coincidences or …