1. Irish Moss: As the name suggests, it was first used in Ireland. However it is also found in Asia and some regions of North America. It is a great …
New Moon At 24º Taurus On May 15th, 2018: A Mixed Bag Of Intense Energies
by Conscious Reminder With two stars from Perseus Constellation influencing it, the New Moon will be situated at 24 degree Taurus on Tuesday, May 15th. The two stars, Algol and …
by Conscious Reminder Thanks to all the romantic comedy movies and the overall popular culture, the term soulmate has become a household utterance. However, the concept of the soulmate is …
by Conscious Reminder We are all on a journey towards wakefulness, towards becoming our true selves, and towards remembering who we really are. The fact is that every individual journey is …
by Aletheia Luna | Loner Wolf Jennifer from America asks: Do you think it’s possible for someone’s sensitivity and/or empathy to shut off or be dulled? She goes on to …
by Amy V. Miller Do Angels help with money? Yes, but it is rarely handed to you on a plate. You will likely need to work for it and it may …
by Conscious Reminder The New Moon in May is supposed to fall on the 15th, with Algol, the star of beheading getting into action. We all know what Trump is …
by Conscious Reminder First of all, let’s understand one thing: twin flames and soulmates, despite similarities, are not the same. Whereas soulmates are our spiritual complements, twin flames are our spiritual …
Born with a range of extrasensory abilities, Teal Swan, known to many as ‘The Spiritual Catalyst’ or the ‘Giggling Guide’ was born in Santa Fe, New Mexico, her abilities include clairvoyance, clairsentience, …
by Conscious Reminder Although most of us have dreams every night, it’s still not clear what the purpose behind them is! On average, we have 4 to 6 dreams every night, …