Home Consciousness Following The Cycles Of The Moon Through The 12 Signs Of The Zodiac

Following The Cycles Of The Moon Through The 12 Signs Of The Zodiac

by consciousreminder
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The Moon is one of the fastest moving celestial bodies in our solar system. It spends an average of 2.5 days in each sign of the zodiac and follows a 28 day cycle. The cycles of the Moon are very similar to that of a female’s menstrual cycle, however when in tune with their bodies, men will also feel the effects of Mother Moon as she radiates down in the night sky. The tides of the ocean are also effected by the Moon, as is the salt water that arises within our own bodies. It is in water that energy and emotions are stored, which is why on the night of the Full Moon we can feel our emotions stronger than most. When the Moon is full, it often signifies completion or ending. Often we are able to fully express ourselves and know the direction forward from within our souls. On the  night of the New Moon, when the moon is dark and not yet visible, it is a time to go within. It is a time to plant the seeds that will flourish and bloom when the Moon is full again.

The New Moon is an opportunity for introspection and to go within. It is a time to delve inside yourself and to work out what you really wish to manifest for your life. When you sync your energy up to the vibration of the Moon, not only will you feel more in tune with your emotions, but you will also be able to vibrate in harmony with your more intuitive side. When the Moon is in one of the twelve constellations, it gives off a subtle change in energy and these energies can be used to help manifest and create the life of your dreams. Making initiations, plans and setting goals for yourself when the Moon is in a favorable spot can be like tapping into your own secret source of magic. The Moon is purely magical and when you learn to use her energies, you will be able to tap into the depths of your soul.

Here is the subtle vibrations that the Moon experiences as it travels through the 12 signs of the zodiac:


When the Moon is in Aries it is an excellent time to start things and launch projects. Things tend to happen quickly when the Moon is in Aries, so definitely use this to your advantage when pursuing your goals. Anger can also rise when the Moon is here, especially if your Sun is also in a fire sign, so be aware of your thoughts and emotions and try to not say anything you will regret. If you do need to assert yourself or put your foot down, the Moon in Aries will definitely help you to build all the courage you need.


Be mindful over what you initiate when the Moon is in Taurus because it is sure to last the distance. Starting a business or financial investing when the Moon is in Taurus can also be extremely favorable in terms of longevity and profits. Making changes can be difficult at this time, so instead of fighting against this, choose to go with the flow and wait until the Moon shifts signs. Sensory perception is also heightened when the Moon is in Taurus, especially the sensation of taste. This is the perfect time to schedule a night out at an exotic restaurant or indulge in your favorite treats.


It is time to go with the flow and be open to change when the Moon is in Gemini. Mental stimulation and finding shortcuts or solutions to more complex issues may also be easier when the Moon is in this sign. Fun times, social events and networking opportunities are also likely to be fun and lively when the Moon is in Gemini. Information may also be revealed when the Moon is in this placement, so definitely use this energy to source facts, learn new things or schedule interviews. Writers and those who work in communication may also have their best ideas and inspirations when the Moon is in Gemini.


It is an emotional time when the Moon is in Cancer. Emotions are more easily accessible and intuition may also feel strong on these nights. This makes it the perfect time to get in touch with yourself and your relationships with others. When the Moon is in Cancer it is the perfect time to establish a rapport with someone  or develop a more intimate connection. There is also a strong desire to nurture and take care of others when the Moon is in this placement. It is also the perfect time to tend to domestic issues and matters within the home or family.


When the Moon is in Leo it is time to focus on your highest self, desires, dreams and wishes. The ego self may also rise when the Moon is in this sign, so it is important to be conscious of any thoughts and feelings that are not aligned with your soul. It is also important to avoid over-indulging when the Moon is in Leo. This includes over-indulging on food, spending and also in your emotions. When the Moon is in Leo it is also the perfect time to conduct a presentation, schedule an audition or put on a performance or show.


When the Moon is in Virgo it is the perfect time to schedule health appointments, run errands and get organised. It is also the perfect time to get to work on complex tasks that require strong attention to detail. When the Moon is in Virgo it is also easy to become critical or overly judgmental towards others and yourself, so try to be mindful of this. If emotions run high when the Moon is in Virgo, it is best to try and rationalize things or to make pro’s and con’s list. The mind is strong when the Moon is in Virgo, however this doesn’t mean you shouldn’t ignore the stirrings of the heart either, as the Moon is also sensitive and touchy in this placement.


When the Moon enters the sign of Libra, it is the perfect time to compromise or focus on creating balanced partnerships. It is also a very good time to resolve conflicts and make amends with those you love. If you are seeking to compromise or make a deal with someone, doing so when the Moon is in Libra will ensure fairness and balance for all parties involved. Because it is easier to see other people’s points of view when the Moon is in Libra, it can be difficult to make decisions or strong commitments to things. On these nights, social gatherings are also likely to be harmonious.


It is the perfect time to hone in on your psychic abilities and strengthen your connection with all things spiritual when the Moon is in Scorpio. It is also a time to go within and really reflect on the deeper, darker parts of your soul. It is common to feel like being alone or to keep secrets when the Moon is in this placement, in order to assess and reflect in your own energy. Emotions can also feel very intense or even amplified when the Moon is in Scorpio, so try not to get too overwhelmed. Sexual desires may also feel heightened on these nights.


Adventure and travel are strong when the Moon is in Sagittarius. Use this time to learn, explore and allow your imagination to be free. This is the perfect time to expand on ideas, grow things and create things. In fact, when the Moon is in this sign, expansion and growth are favored in all areas. When the Moon is in Sagittarius it is also the perfect time to start studying philosophy or explore metaphysical pursuits. There is an optimism in the air when the Moon enters this sign, so definitely use this energy to your advantage.


When the Moon is in Capricorn it is the perfect time to bring structure and order into your life. The Moon in Capricorn also favors taking on new responsibilities, so it is often the perfect time to take on a new job or make strong commitments in your life. It is also a highly favorable time for moving up the corporate ladder or starting your own business. This is a very ambitious placement, so definitely don’t be afraid to dream big and go after what it is that you truly desire. Emotions may feel reserved on these nights and there may be a tendency to clear out any emotions that are weighing you down or no longer serving your highest path.


It is time to break down the rules, boundaries and restrictions that are holding you back and release all fears. When the Moon is in Aquarius it is the perfect time to step outside of your comfort zone and go after your dreams and wishes. It is also the perfect time to launch a tech related business or a business that may be nontraditional in some way. People tend to feel rebellious when the Moon is in this sign, so be mindful of this energy. There is also a strong desire to stand up for freedom and human/animal rights when the Moon is in Aquarius.


When the Moon is in Pisces, gentleness and calmness is needed by the soul. This is the perfect time to engage in artistic or creative activities and to turn off the chatter in your mind. The heart speaks strongly when the Moon is in Pisces, so definitely don’t ignore any intuitive inklings during this time. Emotions can feel tender and delicate on these nights, however expansion of consciousness and spiritual ideas are also strong. Avoid feeling sorry for yourself during this time and use this energy to really tap into your passions. The Moon ultimately governs our emotions and what we need to feel safe and comfortable in the world and using signs of the zodiac can help point us in the right direction. Using the energy of the Moon is a great way to enhance and bring more understanding to your life. While you don’t have to coordinate every activity in your life in accordance to the Moon, sometimes it may help to understand what energies you are dealing with at different times. Note: When the Moon is travelling between signs it is referred to as being ‘Void of Course’, during this time it is best to refrain from making big decisions or making huge life changes as the energy of the Moon is not at its fullest.

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