Home Spirituality Connecting With Your Spirit Guides

Connecting With Your Spirit Guides

by consciousreminder
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Spirit guides are light beings who actually form part of the spirit world and our spiritual growth. They exist in some way to help with our spiritual life path. Whether we acknowledge them or not, they do exist.

Carefully chosen and recruited just for you, spirit guides are beings that are completely devoted to your growth. Many have had lifetimes here on earth and just like you they have their own eclectic bundle of gifts, wisdom, and experiences.  Perfectly suited to your highest calling, their only job is to support you and guide you as much or as little as you wish.

1. Create a sacred space for connecting.  Select a place where you can hang out with your Guides on a regular basis – a comfy recliner, yoga mat, or a bench at the park.

You can connect with them anywhere, but it’s helpful to have a special place when you first start out.  Why? Because you are “training” yourself to relax (and your vibration to raise), making connection easier.

Chat with them or journal while you’re in your space.

2. Invite them in.  Your spiritual team is always there to support you, but why not invite them into your life and make it official?  Simply set the intention that you want them to be a part of your life.

When you need guidance, ask them for support.  Then, watch for signs, or notice what feelings you get.

3. Ask for signs.  I know it can be hard to trust your Spirit Guides, especially when you’re a newbie. Plus, they’re invisible, so there’s that. 

That’s why it’s helpful to ask for signs.  Signs help build trust.  

Signs can come in a billion different ways:

In a song, a blog post, or the next words your best friend utters to you. The sky is the limit!

Example: The other day I was overwhelmed because I didn’t know which art print to buy for my spare room. I looked at a LOT of art. (So much beautiful art on Etsy, so little wall space!)  I narrowed it down to four choices, and my husband wasn’t very helpful, so I turned to my Guides instead.

An hour later, I shrieked when I saw one of the prints featured in a decorating magazine! Yep, that’s a sign, people.

4. Meet them in dreams.  We’re more open to the spirit world during sleep than any other time.  Tonight, before you fall asleep, ask your Spirit Guides to connect with you in dreamland – then trust that they will.  Ask for their guidance on a specific issue. Should I start that new business? Go back to school? Paint my armoire red?  Easy. Peasy.


5. Be open. Try not to expect your Spiritual Guides to “show up” in a certain way. Just go with the flow.  If you expect them to come to you ONLY in dreams, for example, you might miss a lot of the good stuff during the day. 

6. Call in ANY Spirit Guides you want.  We have a main guide that sticks with us for life, as well as other guides that come and go.  Plus, we can call in specific Guides any time we want!  Um, how do I cook an artichoke? Can a cooking guide please help a gal out?

7. Journal with them. What issue are you dealing with right now?  Write the issue/question down on a piece of paper.  Now set the intention that your Spirit Guides will give you guidance via inspired writing.

Pick up your pen, let your mind go free, and write, baby, write! Don’t worry about grammar or spelling – just go man, go.

You may get a detailed solution or a “starting point”.  If you don’t like to write, “journal” by typing on your laptop or iPad.

8. Do a “meet your spirit guide” meditation.  Relax, put on some soft music, and imagine meeting your Guides in a beautiful field.  Who are they?  What do they look like?  What are their names? Do they like chocolate? ?

9. Meet your Guides in nature. Some people haaaate meditating. That’s OK.  If meditation isn’t your thing, get out in the fresh air instead. Go smell the flowers. Take a walk.  Sit at the park.  Print out some mandalas and color them. As you relax, have a mental “chat” with your Guides.

10. Create with them.  I believe creating is as important to our souls as exercise is to our bodies. It’s also one of the BEST and most FUN ways of getting in touch with our Spirit Guides and Higher Self!

When we get creative, we let go of our inhibitions.  We feel inspired and playful and follow our hearts.  Plus, it makes us happy, which raises our vibration.  And because Spirit has a high vibrational frequency, raising OUR vibration makes it easier to connect with them.

So go ahead and spend time drawing, painting, singing, knitting, woodworking, or whatever you think of as creative.

11. Practice a Q&A reading for yourself.  Sit where you won’t be disturbed for 10-15 minutes.  Relax. Call your Spirit Guides in. Don’t worry if you don’t know their names.  Just imagine their energy coming close.

Ask them a question that starts with “Why,” or “Should“.  For example, Why am I afraid to_______?  Why am I having trouble deciding on ___________?   Should I ____________? 

Listen to the answers. They may just “pop” into your head, or you may get a vision, or have a feeling.

12. Call upon them when shopping, driving, or looking for a lost object.  Lost your car keys? GPS on the fritz? Ask your Spirit Guide for help.

13. Read books about connecting with Spirit Guides.  My favorite is Sonia Choquette’s Ask Your Guides: Connecting to Your Divine Support System. It’s also available as a 4-CD Set.

14. Listen to your gut.  Have you ever had a feeling that something wasn’t as it should be? Sometimes it’s so strong it’s almost a physical sensation in your stomach?

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