Everyone loves a good conspiracy theory. Especially when they make you think for a second as if it could be real. Then you come to your senses and realizes how ridiculous it sounds… or does it?
Read below for some of the best conspiracy theories out there.
Back To The Future is one of the greatest films (and trilogies) of all time. There have been many crazy coincidences related to the movies’ events—like the Cubs winning the world series as the film predicted they would (in 2015 though) and the fact Miami would have a baseball team. However, there is another crazy theory with some eerie coincidences in the film: People believe the movie predicted the September 11th attacks.
In fact, there is a whole YouTube video that explains some key components of the theory. For instance, Marty is at the Twin Pines Mall at 1:16 am to meet Doc. Twin Pines and Twin Towers obviously have similar names. If you flip 1:16 around and backwards it becomes 9:11. The Twin Pines Mall is destroyed in the film and the mall becomes the Lone Pine Mall—much like the One World Trade Center building was built in place of the Twin Towers.
There is even a scene in the second film where the television shows Twin Pines and then cuts directly to a shot of the Twin Towers in New York. While at the mall, Doc is attacked by Libyan terrorists; the major religion in Libya is Islam. There goes that classic post-9/11 Islamophobia!
Another major plot point is how the clock tower is destroyed and they want to fix it. Totally suspicious, right? The list goes on and on—and we have to admit, there are some pretty crazy coincidences. Be careful when exploring this wild rabbit hole.
In summer 2009, the Iranian government was in every headline across the world as their Green Revolution was gaining traction. It then came to a sudden halt when Michael Jackson died.
Prior to the King of Pop’s death, it appeared the country was leaning toward a revolution and overthrow of the Iran government; their land was being filled with intense media coverage and protests, even prompting the previously hesitant President Obama to speak out and say he was “appalled and outraged” with what was happening.
Then, out of nowhere, Michael Jackson died. It took the media by storm as every single news column, television station, and headline was replaced with the information about his sudden, shocking death. It seems as though the world came together to mourn the King of Pop and forgot about what was happening in Iran—so much so that the biggest trending topics on Twitter switched from “#iranelection” to “#RIPMichaelJackson.”
Slowly the news of Iran’s possible overthrow went to the wayside as we all focused on Jackson’s death and there was never any overthrow or revolution. To some people, timing seems more than coincidental.
This one sounds more like a video game than anything else but conspiracy theorists may have a few valid points. There seems to be a 150-mile-wide crater that scientists can’t explain, and the crater has an extremely strong gravitational pull.
The theory is that Adolf Hitler and the Nazis built UFO bunkers throughout Antartica. Why? In case we developed a relationship with aliens, they would be more likely to join the Nazi side—of course.
Some people say the bunkers also doubled as a safe house for Hitler. They claim that rather than taking his life, he escaped Berlin, got on a submarine, and set sail for the bunkers.
The theorists go further by explaining how a trip in 2016 by John Kerry to the Arctic was not to study global warming and climate change but to take a tour of these bunkers. One man behind much of the conspiracy theory, Tyler Glockner, says, “To this day, scientists have no idea or way to discover exactly what is buried deep under this thick ice shelf.”
We know times are bad in the Middle East and have been for decades, but there are some new theories out there in the conspiracy world with some pretty absurd claims. There have been several reports that say Israel has developed a certain type of chewing gum and breath drops that increase a certain kind of drive in young adults.
The master plan, the theorists claim? To lower the aggression of fighting in future warriors and in turn make them heartfelt romantics who just want to lounge around all day and read poetry while watching the sunset.
However, the biggest conflicting point here is that if Israel was actually doing this with gum, they would also, in part, be aiding in the growth of Palestinian population.
Obviously if this aphrodisiacal gum worked, more people would be off doing “other things” instead of concentrating on the war, religion, and anything else that preoccupies their minds daily. Probably not Israel’s No. 1 goal.
This is actually a pretty amazing theory. There is a 22-year-old named Jack who was told by his parents as young boy that Finland doesn’t exist. One day, Jack started a Reddit thread about the weirdest things people’s parents taught them that weren’t true. He posted, of course, about his parents’ claim that Finland doesn’t exist. The post blew up and garnered its own subreddit with over 5,000 followers.
In an interview with Vice, Jack says, “I would say 90 percent of people view it as a parody and joke and can take it as such. But there are 10 percent of people who genuinely believe it’s something that needs ‘proving’ or ‘debunking’ from both sides.”
Essentially the theory states that in 1918, when Finland gained independence from Russia, this “independence” was actually an agreement with Russian and Japan to have Japan use a body of water that is disguised like Finland. The Japanese would be able to fish here without any legal concerns. Then they’d use the Trans-Siberian Railways under the company name of Nokia—which somehow remains one of the biggest companies in Finland even though no one uses Nokia products.
The rabbit hole goes deeper if you want to learn more more. Don’t worry—Jake’s parents don’t actually believe this theory.
This idea that dinosaurs built the pyramids of ancient Egypt would make for a pretty spectacular action film. However, it is the actual beliefs of a school teacher in Malta who teaches at the Accelerated Christian Academy.
Vince Fenech is a licensed administrator and while he explains that these beliefs are his own and not the school’s, he is very adamant about them. He backs it up with his young creationism theories of Earth, which are obviously completely legit.
He says that if our universe was as old as scientists claim, then the moon’s outer layer would be covered with several feet of dust and dirt, not just an inch or two. Of the dinosaurs, he claims, “Of course the ‘dinoceros’ [sic] existed. It is mentioned in the Book of Job. They were used to help build the pyramids.”
We could imagine a great brontosaurus pulling up the giant blocks to stack onto the pyramid like a trained elephant, and that probably means Hollywood has imagined this too. Here’s hoping this is in theaters by 2020!
The might be one of the biggest conspiracy theories to date, although it is not so much a conspiracy theory as it is an idea or belief. And the belief has gained a lot of attention lately with a handful of celebrities and star athletes coming out and agreeing that the Earth is flat.
Shaquille O’Neal, rapper B.o.B, Kyrie Irving, AJ Styles, and many more are hopping on board the Flat Earth train. And what a train it is!
The main reasons people believe this are from living on the planet and seeing the horizon and how it doesn’t bend as well as driving cross country and never feeling like you’re going on a curve. They also note how it’s so easy to fake space photos since none of us have really been; they say the reason that NASA still talks about it is to keep getting money.
There are several more reasons you can read about here. We have to admit, as kids we did believe the Earth was flat. But then again, so did everyone else until Sir Isaac Newton got hit in the head with a falling apple—or are we getting our stories mixed up?
We don’t claim to know very much about pop boyband One Direction but there are certain conspiracy theorists who definitely do. They claim that Louis Tomlinson had a fake baby last January. The reason is to draw attention away from the band’s secret affair between Tomlinson and Harry Styles.
The theory goes back into at least 2012 with Twitter accounts popping up with allegations of an amorous relationship between the two bandmates. Then one day someone threw a baby doll on stage at a One Direction show and Tomlinson threw it back off, saying it wasn’t not real. Maybe this gave him an idea, because a month later it was announced that a woman in his life named Briana Jungwirth was pregnant—it’s not clear what their relationship was, but it seems they had only been dating for a month.
Many people wondered why would they announce a pregnancy before the 12-week mark that most people abide by—unless it was all a hoax! Clearly, this would distract 1D’s fans from the relationship between Tomlinson and Styles.
This BuzzFeed article goes deep (like really deep) down the rabbit hole of “Larry”, so if you’re a big 1D fan by all means, enjoy. But if not, just take our word for it. Because, really, who cares?
Did you know that “Back to the Future” predicted 9/11?! Neither did we. And that’s hardly the strangest conspiracy theory out there.
“Back to the Future” predicted 9/11.

Michael Jackson was killed by the Iranian government.

Nazis built a UFO base in Antartica.

Israel is dropping libido gum in the Gaza Strip.

Finland doesn’t exist.

Dinosaurs built the Egyptian pyramids.

Earth is flat.

One Direction is covering up a secret intraband relationship.

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