Home Health & Wellness Simple Healing Methods For Each Of Your 7 Chakras

Simple Healing Methods For Each Of Your 7 Chakras

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

There are numerous methods available for healing chakras. Whereas some of them work, some of them will not work, and the reason for that will be because each of the chakras is connected with a distinct frequency realm.

The six chakras in our body are ordered in the form of a pyramid. So, the first one is the lowest, and it is actually the heavy and wide base of that pyramid, while the highest chakra, the sixth one, is a representation of the top of that pyramid. The sixth chakra is airy, light, as well as easily mutable, and the first one is heavy, dense, and challenging to make changes on. Additionally, each of the chakras symbolizes some distinct elements.

Also, each of them needs distinct methods of healing, and here we will present you some, which you can try.

Methods for healing of each of the chakras:

First (Root) chakra

As the first one is the heaviest, densest, as well as most connected to our physical body, most of the healing will come from physical activities such as Hatha yoga.

The first chakra is connected to our sense element, as well as treatments oriented to smell, such as aromatherapy, which works best. As the earth is the first chakra’s element, gemstones can also be used for some treatments. Also, gardening, particularly touching earth, will be an excellent activity connected with the healing of this chakra.

Second (Sacral) chakra

This chakra is also physical and dense, so Hatha yoga will also work best in this case, particularly tantrically oriented one, as well as hip poses. As the second chakra is connected with our taste, the best thing will be to eat foods which will heal it like oranges, pumpkins, and mangoes.

Water is this chakra’s element. So, doing some aquatic work such as Watsu will also be an excellent treatment for healing the second chakra.

Third (Solar Plexus) chakra

This chakra is connected with the conscious, as well as with mental reasoning, and with self-image. Visual therapies, such as working with some yantras and Transformation Power Questions will be the best healing method.

As fire is this chakra’s element, sunbathing will also be good. Also, fire walking will be an excellent way to stoke this chakra. Some methods which boost our confidence can have good results. Additionally, some actual core works such as powerful yoga or some kind of breathing which is stroking the core will also be useful for this chakra, known as solar plexus chakra too.

Fourth (Heart) chakra

This is the chakra that serves as a bridge between lower, or the chakras which are more physical, and upper of more spiritual ones, and it responds very well to touches. A lot of studies prove this, in which babies thrived when nannies and nurses actually held them.

The most common and excellent way of boosting, as well as balancing this chakra, known as the heart chakra, will be through hugging. This will work when we even self-hug ourselves, or we can also use EFT or Emotional Freedom Technique. Another excellent treatment will be breath work as this chakra is connected to the element of air.

Fifth (Throat) chakra

Sound healing will be one of the best methods for this chakra, as it involves two different techniques: putting the sound out, as well as taking it in.

The sound can be put out by simply reciting some mantras, as well as by chanting, or seed sounds or also our most loved song which will make us feel quite good. The sound can be taken in through some crystal bowls, and mantras, or even our most loved song.

Here are the seed sounds – the smallest mantras for each of the chakras:

1st – Lam
2nd – Vam
3rd – Ram
4th – Yam
5th – Ham
6th – Om
7th – Silence (pure consciousness)

Sixth (Brow/Third Eye) chakra

As this is, in fact, the well-known ground zero chakra for each of our dreams, as well as visualizations, visualization will be the most suitable tool which we can employ on this chakra. It can be performed inwardly or also outwardly.

The inward visualizations actually involve meditation in which we need to close our eyes, and also create some positive thoughts and world around us, feeling and seeing what we really want. It is a process which will change our psychology and even make us interact positively, as well as confidently with the world inside us, forcing some changes.

The external visualizations are done with creating some beautiful vision boards which will help us to ignite creative energies, as well as improve our life in general.

Seventh (Crown) chakra

For this chakra, the only method for healing will be meditation. In fact, it will make us enter into a condition of thoughtless, silent and pure openness.

Although the methods for healing the chakras are effective, trying some others will also be good, as we may find the right one for us, which will fit every need of our chakras.

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