Home Consciousness Twin Flame Telepathic Connection Signs And Symptoms

Twin Flame Telepathic Connection Signs And Symptoms

by consciousreminder
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Did you know that Twin flames can communicate telepathically? Yes! There are many different ways Twin flames can communicate. Regardless of whether they live far apart from each other or if one is not on this planet, they can still communicate telepathically.

When twin flames fully connect energetically, they create a gateway for telepathic communication. The powerful feelings of love come out of the vortex of their heart chakra. The opening of both the crown and heart chakras then enables them to fully engage in the telepathic connection with their twin flame, while also bringing them to a state of spiritual awareness. Here are the signs and symptoms of their telepathic bond:

Subconscious communication.

Often times, twin flames can finish each other’s sentences or answer their question without even asking out loud. They can also listen to each other’s thoughts and know or feel what they are thinking at certain times. You will know that it is your twin when you hear a voice in your head that sounds exactly like them.

Sharing dreams.

Twin flames can share each other’s dreams and communicate through them.

Have the same flaws.

They may share the same flaws. For instance, even if one twin has worked on their flaws as part of their spiritual journey, the other twin usually hasn’t done this yet, so they can see their old flaws still present in them. These are unique failings that a soul can share with all of its aspects to some degree.

Feel each other’s presence.

Twin flames can feel each other’s presence. They can sense that they have entered the same building or space without even making complete visual contact; they simply know.

Pick up each other’s emotions and feelings.

Twin flames can also receive the other twin’s emotions and feelings. This is because their soul frequencies are identical to one another. It is crucial that the other twin strives to be as joyful and filled with love as possible, as this will ensure that it is also true for the other twin.

Mental communication.

Even when they are apart, they can communicate with each other mentally. This also holds true when their twin flame is not on the planet.

Receive messages through intuition.

A lot of the time, when twin flames are scared, they may give off false signals by telling their other twin negative things through speech or actions. It is important that the other twin listens to the messages that are being sent through their intuition. Twin flames have the ability to receive important messages. The two cannot conceal the exchange of soul energy, which reveals the true feelings of the other towards them.

When we are able to hold unconditional love in our hearts and allow this beautiful telepathic connection to flow through our lives, we are fully able to connect to ourselves and the higher source itself. Communication between human beings and the higher realms is what brings love back to Earth. Everyone has the ability but may have forgotten it through incarnations. It is a lesson in growth that we just need to set our ego aside and hear the messages from our creator.

It is crucial for twin flame lovers to cultivate the conscious flow of cosmic love from their hearts, as it is this energy flow from the heart chakra that establishes our twin flame connection.

When we express our unconditional love for each other and allow the beautiful telepathic energy to flow through our lives, we are truly able to connect to ourselves and to the source itself.

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