Home Consciousness Just Because I Don’t Talk To You, Doesn’t Mean I Don’t Care

Just Because I Don’t Talk To You, Doesn’t Mean I Don’t Care

by consciousreminder
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A defeat is an inevitable part of our lives. It can happen to anyone.

Almost-relationship that ended badly. A breakup with a partner. A quarrel with a best friend. A dissolution of childhood friends. A fallout with a family member. However, even though these situations occur frequently for everyone, the pain they inflict is indescribable.

However, the mere occurrence of these events does not imply that the two individuals have lost their affection for each other. Only because two people choose to end their relationship doesn’t mean that love ceases to exist. And just because friends and family members broke apart doesn’t mean that hate is alive.

Maybe you broke up with me. Maybe I broke up with you. But who called the shots is irrelevant. Who pulled the plugs doesn’t matter. I will not hold on to hate. I will not harbor it in my heart.

Maybe I did love you, but you didn’t love me back. Is that all your fault? Should I resent you for this forever? Should I blame you? No! You cannot help how you feel. You cannot help but want something different. Something more. Something or someone else to explore.

However, with breakups comes a lack of communication. For me, I typically choose to put an end to communication with anyone who isn’t a significant part of my life. And that is true for both friends and exes. The story of the breakup doesn’t matter.

I have learned that I cannot talk and communicate with people who played an important role in my life and now don’t. I no longer waste my time on people who are not important to me. I no longer waste my energy on people who are not part of me.

However, this doesn’t mean that I don’t care. It doesn’t mean that love isn’t alive. It doesn’t mean that if they ever needed me, I wouldn’t lend a hand.

Only because a book is closed for good doesn’t mean that the story within isn’t beautiful or magical. Still, I cannot keep that story open. I can’t keep rereading it in order to make it happen again.

What is done is done. The past has already transpired, and there is no turning back. Maybe it was great. Maybe it wasn’t. But I cannot keep opening up the old wounds. I cannot keep opening my heart until all of it has dissolved in front of me.

Just like everything else, the relationship ended for a reason. There is a reason why he or she is gone. Why is the other person not present in your life anymore?

But I didn’t stop caring, though. The love isn’t forever gone!

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